what is 420?


Well-Known Member
please can anyone please tell me why i keep seeing the number 420 ... in peoples screen names ... plastered on there grow boxes... i dont understand what 420 refers too?

can anyone enlighten me? :-?


Well-Known Member
again...google is your friend ;)


replace the x's with t's ;)


Well-Known Member
yes...but the actual meaning is much deaper ;)

Origins of term

The term was allegedly coined by a group of teenagers in San Rafael, California in 1971.[2][3] Calling themselves the Waldos, because "their chosen hang-out spot was a wall outside the school,"[4] the group first used the term in connection to a fall 1971 plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop that they had learned about.[5] The Waldos designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 p.m. as their meeting time.[4] The Waldos referred to this plan with the phrase "4:20 Louis". Multiple failed attempts to find the crop eventually shortened their phrase to simply "4:20", which ultimately evolved into a codeword the teens used to mean pot-smoking in general.[5]
High Times Creative Director Steven Hager was the first person to track down the Waldos and publish their account of the origins of the term. Hager wrote "Are You Stoner Smart or Stoner Stupid?" (October 1998) in which he called for 4:20 p.m. to be the socially accepted hour of the day to consume cannabis. "I believe 420 is a ritualization of cannabis use that holds deep meaning for our subculture," wrote Hager. "It also points us in a direction for the responsible use of cannabis."


Well-Known Member
420 was started by some school dudes from cali, they use to meet at 420 after school to puff, so it means we smoke weed. Kind of like the peace sigh and middle finger we all know what it means. Now you know where it came from and what it means. :blsmoke::mrgreen:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
oh my!.... my universal time to smoke is ...from the moment i wake up .... i have been smoking now for 20 yrs... and i have never heard of such a thing... but i guess it takes allsorts lol


Well-Known Member
While their are myths and stories about where it originated, this is something I found.

"420 started somewhere in San Rafael, California in the late '70s. It started as the police code for Marijuana Smoking in Progress. After local heads heard of the police call, they started using the expression 420 when referring to herb - Let's Go 420, dude!"

When its 4:20 in the afternoon, especially on april 20th, I can guarantee you I'm smoking along with a lot of other smokers.


Well-Known Member
and if your a nazi they celebrate 4/20 because it was hitlers birthday, but that has nothing to do with cannabis lol


Well-Known Member
and if your a nazi they celebrate 4/20 because it was hitlers birthday, but that has nothing to do with cannabis lol
i love info like this... useless ...but good info none the less!.... oh and i dont live in the states .... and i wern't born untill 78 ... so i guess i missed the calli boys and the're codes hehe


Well-Known Member
I was being a wiseass when I posted the info about hitler. I in no way meant for that info to be "useful" lol. It was for a quick laugh, thats it

I was also born in '78 :)


Active Member
Has no one seriously heard the reason for 420 revolving around the perfect time of the year to plant your seeds. Considering this is a grow site I find this quite ironic. 420, or 4/20 was used commonly in discussion amongst growers in the 70's out west when referring to when they should start there grow season. 4/20 seemed to be the best time to start your grow. But this is simply things I have heard around the "block" sort of speak.