9inch bigbud
Well-Known Member
right im sick of this now if you cant see it then you are stupidThat statement shows just how Ignorant you are.
Dude, Lighting is fucking standard, what are you Slow?
Where does it say in that quote to grow without light, it CLEARLY says to upgrade environment and get everything else the way you want it before adding MORE lights.
Do you not know how to read or are you seriously this ignorant?
Of course theres gonna be a fucking light in the grow room. That isnt a list of REQUIRMENTS its what I think is most important in order of Ungrading your grow room.
Now it seems like your just looking to argue. Seriously, You actually went out of your way to go find that post so you could read it and assume Im saying to grow without light...
Jesus Christ your getting ridiculous.
I have also always said thats my personal opinion.
Light is a plants food, nutrients are only building blocks for the plant cells but it is light that provides the energy - so how does it work?
When light falls onto leaves it triggers the process of photosynthesis, which in simple terms is the process of turning light, which is radiant energy, into chemical energy. The amazing process of photosynthesis, turning light energy into chemical energy, is one of natures wonders. This energy transfer happens inside the plants cell structures called chloroplasts. The basic components of chloroplasts are individual membranous sacs which contain fats, proteins and pigments (stay with us - it is worth knowing!)
Pigments & Chemical Energy
Pigments play an important part. They absorb light in the photosynthesis process of turning light energy into chemical energy. Chlorophyll, for example, is an important pigment which absorbs red and blue wave lengths. There are different types of pigment and each absorbs different wavelengths of light. The light absorbed by the pigment causes a reaction, which produces chemical energy (it makes electrons out of the light, and the electrons use their charges to make sugar energy for the plant)
For those interested in the current theory of photosynthesis, it works something like this ~ The chemical energy produced by the chlorophyll (pigment) from light is sufficient to split the water molecules apart. This provides units of hydrogen (H) and hydroxide (OH). The hydroxide combines with carbon-dioxide, which is absorbed from the air, to produce carbohydrates, which provides the energy for plant growth. (and you thought there was nothing going on in your plants ~ for more details visit your library!)
So to summarise ~ light falls on the leaves which convert it into electrons and the plant uses these electrons (electricity) to make energy as sugar.
...On unarable land, farming is nearly impossible unless more advanced methods of are used. Unarable land usually has no source of fresh water, and is often too hot (desert), too cold (arctic), too rocky, too mountainous, too salty, too rainy, too snowy, or too cloudy. Clouds block the sunlight plants need for photosynthesis (making sunlight into food). The plants starve without light. Starvation and nomadism often exist on unarable land. Unarable land is sometimes called 'wastes'"+plants+starve"&cd=11&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-a ..."Make+a+statement+about+starch.+"&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-aFull text of "A primer of botany"
1. Read the following :
(1) House plants turn toward the light.
(2) Moulds grow without the aid of light.
(3) Fruits and flowers can develop in darkness.
(4) Green plants directly depend upon light.
(5) Light helps them to make starch.
(6) Without starch green plants starve.
2. Mention the word which is the lesson.
3. What plants live by it ?
4. What plants can live without it ?
5. Are such plants of a high or low order ?
6. Name the parts of a plant which grow to full size with-
out light.
7. What plant food can be made by light only ? Of what
importance is this food? To what sort of plants
indispensable ?
L Without Hg-lit, green plants starve, for tliey manu-
facture starch hy it only.
Note. Plants which get their starch from other plants
can live in the dark. Plants which live upon de-
caying matters grow and perfect fruit in caves and
Make a statement about starch.
What word in the statement names a food ? Write that
word on the board.
Write the name of an article of food containing starch.
How do you suppose the starch came in it?
Why, do you suppose, a plant stores up cupboards of
starch ?
IV. Starch is a plant food. It is made in light, and
the plant lives upon it in darkness. It can be
made in chlorophyll grains only.
startch is plant food and it is made in the chloroplasts which contain green chlorophyll
molecules and these are the 'engines' which capture light energy, a
process called photosynthesis that make starch that the plant feeds on at night.
prosses called photosynthesis photo meaning light! now if it was carbon why not called carbon
any how thats enough of a biology lesson and your poll means jack shit, fuck all proves nothing other than people do not know what photosynthesis is or how it works.