I just wanted to add another way to run a waterfarm wich im using now... I no longer use a air pump I have my waterfarm on a pedistool.. The Drain tube now points straight down into a 4 gallon resivoir where a 160gph waterpump pumps water up and out the drip ring.. water no longer collects in the bottom bucket it is now a root resivoir..
Ive done this mostly to help when the plant starts drinking a gallon and more a day and makes changing water much easyier.. doing this will also supply the lower root zone with more oxygen as water will just run over the the roots instead of being sumerged..
Interesting setup Scotty! How ofter are you running the pump? Is it just during lights on?
24/7 without it running the roots would dry out and that would be a bad thing![]()
I just wanted to add another way to run a waterfarm wich im using now... I no longer use a air pump I have my waterfarm on a pedistool.. The Drain tube now points straight down into a 4 gallon resivoir where a 160gph waterpump pumps water up and out the drip ring.. water no longer collects in the bottom bucket it is now a root resivoir..
Ive done this mostly to help when the plant starts drinking a gallon and more a day and makes changing water much easyier.. doing this will also supply the lower root zone with more oxygen as water will just run over the the roots instead of being sumerged..
Thanks for everything scotty. This is more of a ebb and grow/drip hybrid whereas the waterfarm is dwc/drip. I love it man. + repHere is a quick sketch i did with paint brush should give you a idea what im doing.. Also the stream coming out the drip ring is nice and straight and no longer spits and splatters all over the place i no longer have a problem with salt caking up on the ring and around the bucket and walls.. its working really really good and much less work.. larger resivor also means more stable ETC and ph.. Make sure the pump is adjustable I have mine down on low and its just right .. I had it on high and it pumps so fast the bottom bucket was filling faster then it could drain.. you want a nice steady stream not a hard squirt .. or you could insert a adjustable valve inline if you prefer but you guys should know my motto by now keep it simple..
I call this the CFW setup continious flow waterfarm.
Here is a quick sketch i did with paint brush should give you a idea what im doing.. Also the stream coming out the drip ring is nice and straight and no longer spits and splatters all over the place i no longer have a problem with salt caking up on the ring and around the bucket and walls.. its working really really good and much less work.. larger resivor also means more stable ETC and ph.. Make sure the pump is adjustable I have mine down on low and its just right .. I had it on high and it pumps so fast the bottom bucket was filling faster then it could drain.. you want a nice steady stream not a hard squirt .. or you could insert a adjustable valve inline if you prefer but you guys should know my motto by now keep it simple..
I call this the CFW setup continious flow waterfarm.
Here is a quick sketch i did with paint brush should give you a idea what im doing.. Also the stream coming out the drip ring is nice and straight and no longer spits and splatters all over the place i no longer have a problem with salt caking up on the ring and around the bucket and walls.. its working really really good and much less work.. larger resivor also means more stable ETC and ph.. Make sure the pump is adjustable I have mine down on low and its just right .. I had it on high and it pumps so fast the bottom bucket was filling faster then it could drain.. you want a nice steady stream not a hard squirt .. or you could insert a adjustable valve inline if you prefer but you guys should know my motto by now keep it simple..
I call this the CFW setup continious flow waterfarm.