What is "Al Jazeera " Answer: Better news than CNN according to Secretary of State


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What is "Al Jazeera " Answer: Better news than CNN according to Secretary of State
I'm guessing you are like me and don't have an Al Jazeera channel on your cable box and you may say who need news from Al Jazeera.

Well according to Secretary of State Clinton our "Talking Heads" and over commercialized news shows are not effective in not only informing us but do little to spread the word of Americanism world wide these days.


We are in an information war, and we are losing that war,” said U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last week as she praised Al Jazeera’s dedication to “real news.” To win the war, Clinton called for expanding U.S. propaganda TV and radio broadcasts overseas. At the same time, public broadcasting and community media are under attack in the United States. Last month, the House voted to eliminate all financing for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting by the year 2013. We speak to Robert McChesney, co-founder of Free Press, and broadcast highlights from Amy Goodman’s three-day "Don’t Ice Out Public Media" tour in Colorado. [includes rush transcript]
So it looks like the wealthier some get the worse it gets for the average American.

What do you think?

It streams live http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ since not many or any cable groups will carry it.

If we lose Public Broadcasting we may have to depend on foreign news to find out the truth of things.
Simply awesome coverage.. I remember our news doing a great job like this once. upon a time.
What is "Al Jazeera " Answer: Better news than CNN according to Secretary of State
I'm guessing you are like me and don't have an Al Jazeera channel on your cable box and you may say who need news from Al Jazeera.

Well according to Secretary of State Clinton our "Talking Heads" and over commercialized news shows are not effective in not only informing us but do little to spread the word of Americanism world wide these days.


So it looks like the wealthier some get the worse it gets for the average American.

What do you think?

It streams live http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ since not many or any cable groups will carry it.

If we lose Public Broadcasting we may have to depend on foreign news to find out the truth of things.
I don't think it's "news" to anybody that the mainstream media is a joke in this country.:-P
That is basically what Clinton said. I know it. If we can spend three hours on CNN talking about someone's breast that slipped out of their dress as they danced when people are being made homeless you know we are not covering the real news.
That is basically what Clinton said. I know it. If we can spend three hours on CNN talking about someone's breast that slipped out of their dress as they danced when people are being made homeless you know we are not covering the real news.
Bro, that's because fluff and bullshit sells. Real news, sadly, does not. It's mostly depressing anyways.:sad:
It's what keeps us "Comfortably Numb." and politically unaware.
However, Clinton points out that it is doing nothing for us internationally where I guess it's important to "sell American Freedom."
Its funny you brought this up. I just started recently listening to ALjazeera.

No bullshit----I always avoided it like the plague because I thought it was the taliban network or something LOL

But yeah FOX, MSNBC, CNN etc is all mainstream Government propaganda Bullshit.

The proverbial cat is out of the bag.

What other online sources are good for solid truth based info?

So did I sorta not wanting Homeland security to inspect my garden if you know what I mean and I too thought I would see masked terrorists cutting off heads but that is some professional news stuff there. Reminded me of CBS during the Vietnam war.

Is an example of how the things we accept as normal are actually rights people had to fight and die for in the USA.

We have to teach our children what is going on because the profit motive dominates the evil that is eating this country and destroying this Earth.

Is this the same story about the Rothschild owned coal company that sold out the workers for a profit? I heard a little bit about this.
Is this the same story about the Rothschild owned coal company that sold out the workers for a profit? I heard a little bit about this.
Ya know I know a little..
I remember something about a "Mother Jones."

Here is something I googled.
Mother Jones Speaks to Striking Coal Minersby Mary Harris

Charleston WV
August 15, 1912

This, my friends, marks, in my estimation, the most remarkable move ever made in the State of West Virginia. It is a day that will mark history in the long ages to come. What is it? It is an uprising of the oppressed against the master class.
From this day on, my friends, Virginia — West Virginia — shall march in the front of the Nation's States. To me, I think, the proper thing to do is to read the purpose of our meeting here today — why these men have laid down their tools, why these men have come to the statehouse.
[Jones reads from letter]
To His Excellency
Governor of the State of West Virginia:
It is respectfully represented unto your excellency that the owners of the various coal mines doing business along the valley of Cabin Creek, Kanawha County, W. Va., are maintaining and have at present in their employ a large force of armed guards, armed with Winchesters, a dangerous and deadly weapon; also having in their possession three Gatling guns, which they have stationed at commanding positions overlooking the Cabin Creek Valley, which said weapons said guards use for the purpose of browbeating, intimidating, and menacing the lives of all the citizens who live in said valley, who are not in accord with the management of the coal companies, which guards are cruel, and their conduct toward the citizens is such that it would be impossible to give a detailed account of.
Therefore, suffice it to say, however, that they beat, abuse, maim, and hold up citizens without process of law; deny freedom of speech, a provision guaranteed by the Constitution; deny the citizens the right to assemble in a peaceable manner for the purpose of discussing questions in which they are concerned. Said guards also hold up a vast body of laboring men who live at the mines, and so conduct themselves that a great number of men, women, and children live in a state of constant fear, unrest, and dread. We hold that the stationing of said guards along the public highways and public places is a menace to the general welfare of the State. That such action on the part of the companies in maintaining such guards is detrimental to the best interests of society and an outrage against the honor and dignity of the State of West Virginia.
[Interrupted by loud applause.]
As citizens interested in the public weal and general welfare, and believing that law and order and peace should ever abide, that the spirit of brotherly love and justice and freedom should everywhere exist, we must tender our petition that you would bring to bear all the powers of your office as chief executive of this State for purpose of disarming said guards and restoring to the citizens of said valley all the rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and said State.
In duty bound, in behalf of the miners of the State of West Virginia.

Read more: Mother Jones Speaks to Striking Coal Miners http://www.infoplease.com/t/hist/jones-coal-miner/#ixzz1Fz3z4Pj8
The way I see this BS is the bastards are working on their NWO. They are trying to get every body listening to BS for Americans while behind our backs they still want to kill US. Put it out there if people want to watch it but not as my news.
Well we here now know where to look for news on the Middle East that doesn't feature talking heads.