What is an sneaky ways to hide a plant?


I want to grow a plant and start selling, but the problem is I can't have a plant in plain view. Its nothing to do with parents its just that I am paranoid when certain people come over. Do you guys have any ideas on how I can easily grow a plant without it being noticeable? The smell, i can deal with.
Well you can't really have it if your living with your perents because the lights are powerful and fans can be noisy and if you don't have a timer you would have to be getting up at let's say 6am to turn on/off lights

Also btw you write "I want to grow a plant and start selling" makes me think you don't know to much about cultivating cannabis so if you do decide to start make sure you know what your doing
use a disguise
Yeh haha, well personally I grow for only my own use and for close mates

It's not that , he is showing no respect for his parents,
he is gonna burn there electric,
get there front door caved in,
get them arrested,
it's hard enough to grow never mind be perpetual enough and reliable enough to supply other ppl's habits,
i just think it's a really stupid and gormless post,
but watta i no....
Just wear the disguise Robert has suggested , when you get arrested , they will think you are Burt from sesame street ........
And this is obviously his 1st grow and he casually says the smell I can deal with ....

Do u know what the smell of a 2-3 ft plant full of bud smells like?
The best "sneaky" way to grow a plant is grow it outdoors! without any carbon filters or venting, A single female plant in bud can stink up an entire house. Anybody that takes a step into your home will know there is marijuana there.
I want to grow a plant and start selling, but the problem is I can't have a plant in plain view. Its nothing to do with parents its just that I am paranoid when certain people come over. Do you guys have any ideas on how I can easily grow a plant without it being noticeable? The smell, i can deal with.

The people that paranoi you, stop having them over.
I dont live with my parents if thats what you all are asking. Thats why I said parents arent a problem. I've grown plants before.. but with semi-success. im looking for more practice at growing and producing bigger yields.
The people that paranoi you, stop having them over.

BUT as stonerman says and what I know from experience is that while in late flower it does stink out most or even all the house and personally I don't want ANYONE knowing I grow because friends tell friends etc so you do get paranoid
I dont live with my parents if thats what you all are asking. Thats why I said parents arent a problem. I've grown plants before.. but with semi-success. im looking for more practice at growing and producing bigger yields.

Did u edit post or are my eyes fucked?