What Is Better??


Well-Known Member
for vegging,
anybody like to share their thoughts about what the best lighting for vegging is CFL, MH Or HPS


Well-Known Member
Compact flourescents keep your plants nice and ready for clones, keep the lights real low.

Metal Halide will make them grow fast, but lanky.

High Pressure Sodium is best for flowering.

It's all about spectrum, to get a full spectrum would be best, and easily achievable with a satelite 4 or 8, with equal grow and bloom bulbs, that's my input.


Well-Known Member
yea i like to clone and veg with cfl's. then jump to a nice hps for flowering.
saves a bit on electricity and easier on heat and ventilation.


Well-Known Member
yes i know what they all do and their capabilities i just wanted to know the prefferences from differnt growers


Well-Known Member
I'm using 600W MH right now, soon to switch to HPS. I think I may look into some T5's next grow for early veg so I can save on electricity.