What is causing these spots?


Im at day 15 of flowering and have been checking the plants daily. Today I noticed these white spots that were not there yesterday along with tiny white bugs. There were just a few of them, maybe 5-7 and barely noticeable they were so minute. Does this sound like something familiar??


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
whoa! That looks bad. I hate to say this, bro. But that looks like thrip damage, aka The Borg.

You can get an organic bug killer at Home Depot for about 16.00 bucks and it really does work. Monterey Organic Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad. If you have thrips, this will definitely work.

First do a foliar application on all plants. This will kill them in about a day. Do another application in about 2 days this will kill the larvae, then in another 2-3 for remaining eggs.

If you have to get the concentrate, make sure you dilute it. Good luck.


A few quick google searches pretty much confirms that. I have absolutely no idea what that is though.

Thanks a ton man. I was just seeing that stuff too. I'll give it a go tomorrow. THANK YOU!!


Absolutely. So far, no good. It's been 3 days and everyday I come home it's worse. That same night we went to home depot because their website said they carry Monterey Organic Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad, but they do not. We bought the closest thing: Organocide and it sucks. It smells like fish, so now we have thirps and a growbox that smells like dead fish. I ordered the Monterey the same night from Amazon and its not supposed to get here until Tuesday. Take a look at how bad this has gotten in 3 days; at least they're staying on the same plant and not spreading much. The third image is of a plant next to the affected one, they look wet because of the organocide.



So the spinosaid is supposed to come tomorrow, but it's too late for at least two of the plants. Take a look at the pictures, this is using Organocide for thirps.IMG_20111011_075024.jpgIMG_20111011_075029.jpgIMG_20111011_075015.jpgIMG_20111011_075011.jpg


Im at day 15 of flowering and have been checking the plants daily. Today I noticed these white spots that were not there yesterday along with tiny white bugs. There were just a few of them, maybe 5-7 and barely noticeable they were so minute. Does this sound like something familiar??

You got mites! The white spots are the lack of chlophyll that the mites suck out. If you look closely you will find that the leaves are actually tansparent as the green is gone do to the sucking. Yellow is the dying underfed leaf.

You have what appears to be an infestation. Deal with it now or your plants are doomed.

Since they are flowering I might suggest you read my post on killing spidermites naturally during the flowering stage.

Good luck - it seeems like you shall need it now.

Sorry buddy,



Do mites create the 'rubber' look to the leaf? I thought that was indicative of thrips. Given the extent of devastation in ...literally 6 days, I don't think anything I can order will come in time to save the plants. At this point though, I'd just like to know what it is. Was it Thrips and then Mites? The leaves had the rubbery look for a while without any damage; then they started turning yellow from the outside in and each day I'd check back in on them, the damage would spread 20%; it's incredible how fast it went from a couple leaves to an entire plant.

So which is it? Looking at the last images, is that thrip or mite damage? Will the Monterey Organic Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad be equally effective with mites? Finally....I haven't seen a thing this entire time...I thought mites we're visible?


So to provide some closure on this, the Spindosad killed whatever was eating the plants. After spraying it on the plants, there has been no new damage. At this point, only one of three plants remains but nevertheless...it seemed to resolve the issue.