What is EWC Tea?


Active Member
Was reading a little about slime and brown algae and how to keep it out of your reservoir: https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/361430-dwc-root-slime-cure-aka.html. I grow in soil but will be watering from a reservoir. I noticed that the water got slimy. The thread was huge. Anyone know about EWC Tea? Do I need beneficial tea in my soil and/or in the water from the reservoir? I get the idea of what tea is although I could use some links to the exact products to make it. I just didn't get what EWC tea is.


Active Member
Was reading a little about slime and brown algae and how to keep it out of your reservoir: https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/361430-dwc-root-slime-cure-aka.html. I grow in soil but will be watering from a reservoir. I noticed that the water got slimy. The thread was huge. Anyone know about EWC Tea? Do I need beneficial tea in my soil and/or in the water from the reservoir? I get the idea of what tea is although I could use some links to the exact products to make it. I just didn't get what EWC tea is.
Nada, no response.


Well-Known Member
It is earthworm casting tea it is full of beneficial microbes which enhances soil grows by suppressing bad bacteria and pests, check out some true living organics threads if you want some healthy and delicious tasting buds.


Well-Known Member
If your using chemixal nutes or anything that is not organic u are for the most part wasting your time. Chemical nutes kill of microbes, macros and all beneficals


Well-Known Member
no you dont need to add microbes/enzyme or fongi in your rez. you need to keep it clean and aerated that's it. cover your medium and your rez, you wont have alguae problem. keep your rez temp between 18-22C


Well-Known Member
please buy a book and read before spreading your advice, it should be beneficial
So synthetic feritilizers dont kill your soil nor does it hurt microbes. And this is why you tell me to read a book. Go to the organic section and tell them that synthetic nutes dont kill microbes. You def need to read books cause your saying I am wrong ur an idiot thanks for your comments your advice def will not be used in my garden.


Well-Known Member
EWC tea can be as simple as a handful of castings/compost in a nylon sock, soaking in a bucket of water with an air stone pump for 24 hours. Foliar spray or apply directly to soil.


Well-Known Member
That is correct, synthetic fertilizers do not kill bennies. It is true salts are a sterilizer, but the concentration is not strong enough to kill bennies. Bennies are used in hydro for slime control, not to "break down fertilizers" although some of us do use nutes with organics (flora nova, pure blend pro, liquid karma, etc etc etc) and that absolutely does need bennies to convert the organic compounds. The slime control, which is the main reason for using bennies in hydro (instead of sterilzers like h2o2 bleach chlorine etc), works by inoculating the res with so many species of microbes that no one species can gain enough of a foothold to take over and dominate your res. Another control measure for slime is to use 100% 'synthetic' nutes so there are no organics to feed the slime. This starves the bad microbes, but also starves off the bennies, so we just simply dose with more bennies once or twice a week. This keeps the good shit coming in and the bad shit continuously dying out.

Enzymes will also help digest root bits and pieces of leaf that may get into the res. OP when you use bennies in your res it is important to not kill them with sterilizers like h2o2, bleach, or chlorine chloramine in your water. The chloramine is easy to deal with using a tap water conditioner for aquariums (API Tap Water Conditioner - Petsmart), but stay away from anything with slime colloids to help build fish slime coating. While you are at Petsmart or PetCo, check out the pond-zyme that is a good cheap product to use for bennies in a pinch. It contains bacteria and enzymes.

Heisenberg Tea has two recipes, one where he uses Aquashield + ZHO powder, and his improved recipe which I have used uses MycoGrow Soluble instead...
0ppm water - 2 gallons, but I make 3
a dash of MycoGrow Soluble from fungi.com or Great White can be used which is the same thing plus enzymes, mycogrow is much cheaper. Alternatively you could use Aquashield + ZHO
2 heaping handfuls General Hydroponics Alaskan Ancient Forest Humus - earth worm castings can be used instead which is where you get the term EWC tea.
1 - 2 TBSP unsulphured black strapped molasses I use botanicare. You have to be careful here not to use too much. The molasses is used to feed the bennies and should be consumed after 48 hours when you dump the tea into the res. Molasses directly in your res will damn near guarentee trigger a slime bloom.

I have tried the Heiseberg tea and I grow in DWC which is probably the system most prone to root rot and slime... and I have found just straight Aquashield with maybe a little pond-zyme to be the most effective at not only preventing but also curing slime. In other words, simply dump a few ml Aquashield in your tank once or twice a week and keep it below 70* and 100% light proof and oxygenated and you will be fine. For oxygen use either air pump and stone like for an aquarium, or put a water pump in the res so it is shooting a column of water straight up (this is called flooming). The water pump will likely raise your water temp a couple degrees compared to an air stone. For water temps insulation and light proofing you can wrap your res in a few layers (at least 3) of silver bubble wrap (Reflectix) from home depot or lowes.


Well-Known Member
So synthetic feritilizers dont kill your soil nor does it hurt microbes. And this is why you tell me to read a book. Go to the organic section and tell them that synthetic nutes dont kill microbes. You def need to read books cause your saying I am wrong ur an idiot thanks for your comments your advice def will not be used in my garden.
Go here, read and learn.

There are a lot of very helpful and supportive people in the organic section.

Synthetic nutes can kill microbes, it depends on a lot of things.

Personally I do not like synthetic or organic nutes, they are really expensive. Home made teas do the same at a fraction of the cost (and do it better, imo)


Well-Known Member
Well so what yall are saying is that if you make a ewc tea then you use general hydro for ex or any chemicals to feed with it wont kill your soil. Also if he is not using organics and using chemical nutes for his soil and wants microbes just for rez to keep it clean why waste the money. You can bubble it or use a water pump anything to move the wate to keep slime out. So all I was saying is if he is using chemical nutes or anythjng it would be no point to brew teas just for slime. he is not in a dwc or hydro or anything. it just holds water for extended periods. I use a 55 gal drum w water pump to keep water moving and the water will be in drum for a week week and a half and no slime no nasty nothin just good smelling tap water