What is going on with my plants? Thrips?


So...can anyone tell me what is causing this crap...these spots and lesions and curling of my leaves. Occasionally there are spots that look like water dripped onto the leaves. But just one or two per plant. Smells wierd. So it's not water. Please if anyone knows what is going on, let me know. Oh, it's pretty much th lower growth and not on ever plant...at least not yet. This is grow one for me and week 2 of flowering. I really don't want to start all over. :o



Well-Known Member
i would flush with water and 1sp per gal of h2o2, may kill the good microbs but will the funk you have going on also.
get a bathtub of chilly water and dip your plants in there and play with the roots like a pair of tits, rolling them between your fingertips and knuckles, just agitating them to loosen them up and clean them off, do not pull except for the ones that are already dead, they are brown and slimy


Okay, I'll give it a try. Thanks guys. And I'd still like to know what this crap is so I know what to call it. Driving me insane.


Well-Known Member
its called root rot i had the same problem and no one gave me any help what so ever ....until it was way to late they did what yours did drooped down turned brown and the whole plant went soggy as fuck and fell over!!!then once it was all over i pulled the plant out and nearly yacked cause of the smell:0 it was all mouldy and blue and the stench was horrible.i lost two plants to this cause!!it was all cause of and overdose of blood and bone never going near that shit again!!


Active Member
moldy and blue? how fast does root rot occur? I look at my plants roots every other day, usually bright white + some brown where thrivealive-red is sticking to them i think , /shrug


well that's the deal. It's not the whole plant. It's like 2 or three leaves on 2 plants. The rest of the plant looks totally healthy. I checked out the roots, they are all sexy and white. I went ahead and leached them all anyway, just in case. Disinfected the grow room once again. The one I took pictures of absolutely blew up last night and there are buds starting all over the place. Maybe they just needed a good leaching. I'll keep everyone posted on what goes on with them. The spots are really throwing me off...little tiny yellow spots. But not many. That's why I thought it was thrips. Not a lot of spots like with spider mites, but it's not an all out invasion of anything either. Anyway, thanks for all the help and advice guys. I'll keep everyone posted on what is going on. Other than those 2 plants, the girls are just blowing up. It's so awesome. Ah...here's a question...I got seven plants. Let's assume they'll all survive. I'm growing under 400W....how much you guys think I'll get out of this? I'm told between one and 3 oz a plant? I just need to know how much I got to vaccuum seal.