What is going on?


Active Member
The leaves on my plant start to turn yellow on the tips of the first sets of leaves that came out and then eventually the rest of the leaf becomes yellow then eventually dies off..this has happened to my first 2 sets of leaves that have come out and i have young plants but i have about 20 something leaves, they are in big enough pots..i just dont know what it can be i cant maybe if its the watering or what it just seems like they are slowly dying off ive been trying to figure this out for a while now.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend adding more information to your topic, such as what the conditions they are in like space, lighting, soil, feeding etc. to better help you.


Active Member
Im using 7 CFLs and they are putting out about 10,500 lumens, we are feeding them some solution with Superthrive and water and then once every week we give them some solution with water and some miracle grow all purpose plant food (N-24%, phosphate-8%, potassium- 16%, and a couple other little elements). It stays about 20-35 in humidity, the temp stays around 83-90 degrees, the grow corner in the closet is about 2x2 ft. but the light escapes to the rest of the closet as well, theres 2 plants and 1 more little seedling that just sprouted. I cant tell if we over water or underwater them, we water whenever it looks dry on top of the soil and we stick our finger into the soil to see how moist it is but its hard to tell sometimes. (We did start growing these 2 plants under one flueresant bulb and they grew slow and stretched some and then our AC went out for about 4 days and it got about 93-98 degrees in there so they might have just been really stressed out). Any imput will help..thanks.