What is going to happen to my plant, is it going to be okay? 8 month life span


Active Member
I have a Bomb Seeds Big Bomb clone that I took my self off of my mother plant, Iv never grown anything outside before but im now being forced to. So I put the clone outside today. I dug a hole about 3 feet wide and 3 feet deep and then filled it with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil anf placed the clone in the center. I also have a huge cage like thing around it. Its about 5 feet around and 5 feet tall, its made of chicken wire. It allows plenty of sun to get though almost as if its not there.

my main problem is thought that is supposed to be harvested around sep-oct, its already about 2 months old and thats about 6 months from now. Will it just grow really big and flower like normal?

Here is the strain and info.
big bomb.jpg


Well-Known Member
you got it....it will grow [assuming all goes well] until day/night cycle triggers bloom. I have some that will be 10-11 months old by the time I get to cut them. Be patient and if size is going be a problem, start remedial action EARLY....LST, topping, etc.


Active Member
Alright sweet. I have already toped it. I like to top my plants low, around 3 to 7 nodes up. I think i got this one at 5. I plan to LST it as soon as I can. I have about a 6 foot fence that it cant grow over. But that should be no problem.