What is growing on my buds?


Active Member
started curing after a 4 day hang dry and I checked on the buds today and something is growing or webbing maybe? Help, and I guess I'll throw this bud out! :(



Well-Known Member
Looks like insect spinning a cocoon. Pull it apart n see how bad the damage is. Usually starts on stalk.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
We're they growing outside? It looks like some sort of tent caterpillar webbing. Any way they only eat live leaves. If it is and it on your bud dry then it's possible its an egg sack or as said earlier some sort of cocoon from this worm


Well-Known Member
I swear that looks like mites on the top pic. But the bottom looks a little different webbing looks a bit thick to be mites. Webbing like that would already show damage somewhere though so idk. 30x+ will confirm


Well-Known Member
Throw it? Run BHO from it. Or tincture. Use Purol to top jars of it. Shake them every day for a month. Filter it after that with coffee filters. Yahoooo! It doesn't take much. Drops under the tongue.


Well-Known Member
The alcohol will kill any mold spores and I doubt it leaves any toxin or tons of smokers before you would be dead. You now you aren't the first with whatever it is.


Well-Known Member
You guys are all a bunch a nuts. Its mold, you didnt dry the bud enough before you started the cure. So it molded. Throw it out. You failed, you wont next time though cause youll let it dry more before you bag it/jar it to cure. Lesson learned ;)