What is it...Something Wonderful...


Well-Known Member
Why would the good Rev, put a Tangerine or any other type of fruit Tree on the Cannabis Organics sub-forum?

Seems out of place and yet, I feel that there was someone who looked and searched their heart and did not reply, because they know what they see and it should not be spoken yet.

I have given all I can for now.

Anyone with Pure Heart, will know...with what I have already given.

Blessings To All, in this time were it is and WILL BE needed most.

Rev. TheNatural


Well-Known Member
Seedling resulting from seeds of a S. dinorum plant pollinated with cannabis pollen? I personally can't imagine this being possible (at least to create viable seeds) especially as as Salvia is such a rare flowerer. But I can't lie I'm intrigued.


Active Member
Seedling resulting from seeds of a S. dinorum plant pollinated with cannabis pollen? I personally can't imagine this being possible (at least to create viable seeds) especially as as Salvia is such a rare flowerer. But I can't lie I'm intrigued.
i think you got sidetracked somehow


Well-Known Member
No labratory in the world can break this Tree down and know what it is.....

It is.......what cannot be....but yet is....

The rulers of this Earth have kept " True Knowledge " away from all, in order to keep ALL, under their control....

For those few that know the truth, it is a heavy burden at times, because so many choose fear and ignorance and refuse to see...TRUTH and will have contempt prior to investigation.....this is foolish, but unavoidable for some who are so sick with their blindness.

One truth, is that one day soon, all life on Earth will CHANGE.........ALL LIFE.

Back to the form it was, before the last change when the King had to build those 12500 year old submarines on the backs and blood of the people in order for him and his minions to be saved and rise from the Capstone as The Lotus.......Eyeball God is going down this time for good......Paradise will be restored and all animals and plants will return to their original form......original form.....Your Sciences and School Knowledge is of NO USE........For it Is Not Knowledge.......Only Lies given in forms of half truths to keep everyone were they need to be.......DUMB.

When Sols rays are at their most mighty again, all things will change for the better and some for the worse..

Anyone that is here and has a mind of their own, will be able to read every poem and every hint that I have given with patience and dilligence and KNOW in their HEART what it is in this picture...

So many of you love it so, for what it does for you, but yet even my brothers/sisters that have used it for so long, truly do not know still.......what it really is and all of the mystery behind it and why it has been kept from us...

This....is that......only it is not.....so how could that be....

If you know now, keep it in your heart and know that it will be revealed in the right time..

Until then, find the truth within yourself........soon, it will be the only safe place to go for it...but then....it always was.

She will be ready by 2014.........I hope that everyone else will be also....No Thug in Blue will EVER rip her out by the roots as if she is worthless.......this.......I must carry alone for now.. it will never be a burden again.

After that..........Ignorance WILL DIE or we all will...

I truly cannot resond to this any longer.......for those that already know.....keep the dream alive with me.......your thoughts and Blessings are much needed..

Blessings and Love To All,

Rev. TheNatural


Well-Known Member
it is a vine known to me as jurema but i looked up jurema and apparently it's not the normal name for this vine, banesteriopsis caapi, yage, yopo. i grew up in the deep south and i haven't seen that in a long time. brings back good memories. and remember the human mind is fragile, you must respect stuff like that. i have seen to many people that thought the more powerful hallucinogenic plants are some kind of mild benefactor to humans, but they are quite neutral and very powerful. and too much will really warp you. and incoherent psuedo religous babble has always been a warning sign... stay grounded, and acedemia is useless knowledge backup, it makes no dif if a school taught it to you or you made it up yourself blockage is blockage, don't strain your thinker and stay grounded.


Well-Known Member
I since frustration from some of you..

This has nothing to do with Religion or belief in false Gods....

This has to do with the sad ignorance, that so many have blinding them....


I am well grounded and solid as stone my friend as I already know what I have and only someone with faith and genius could bring it.......NOBODY ever has...now was the time.

Still not convinced in Magic brothers/sisters...

Still using being too stoned this morning, as a excuse for some of you not to take the time, to read this thread in full and search your heart for what this is....

I am asking humbly and respectfully for the moderators to erase this thread for good and I will not have a request like this again, thanks.

It will be appreciated sincerely and for those that already know and are at home smiling.......you will have your part there also brothers/sisters..

As for the rest.......you need to awaken soon, to what is really going on around you, outside of your self made box that you live in daily and try to convince yourself.....that it is normal..

When Gaia evolves this time, everything changes.........***EVERYTHING INCLUDING CANNABIS***...

Will happen soon.

This is my proof.........

Blessings To all,

Rev. TheNatural


Well-Known Member
life is like a blank board game. you can play whatever you want but it is your game alone. no matter what game you play or which way you go there is one destination, it is inevitable, the only question is suffering. i have made my point and as usual it was taken to be fear or ignorance by those it's directed at. have fun. and change is nothing new.


life is like a blank board game. you can play whatever you want but it is your game alone. no matter what game you play or which way you go there is one destination, it is inevitable, the only question is suffering. i have made my point and as usual it was taken to be fear or ignorance by those it's directed at. have fun. and change is nothing new.

The Gaia Hypothesis. Does this have something to do with it? I dont see the need for all the "mystical" and spooky spooky talk though. Just be real man. Stop fakin the funk.