What Is It That You Love?

I love my mother, may she rest in peace. I love my dad and my children,god and country (god bless the USA)...these are the obvious ones of course....

But I also love........

A lot of things everyone takes for granted.

Like watching a beautiful sunset with my girlfriend next to me.

Memories of my first child being born

I love the feeling of a hug from a love one

I love the way my 2 Taco Bell dogs get excited to see me when I walk thru the door after a bad day at work.....they make me forget all about it

I love it when my girlfriend sends me an e-card just to tell me she loves me.

I love the feeling of a job well done.

I love the bond of friendship with your best friend you grew up with.

I love it when a guy (or a gal) almost break their neck to get a better look at my girl....she doesn't get it though.

I love the feeling of satisfaction when you help a stranger in need .

I loved it when I realised I grew up like my Dad (luv ya pop)

I love it when everything goes right at work

I love the feeling when everything goes wrong at work but you make it right before you leave

I love the kindness and compassion I received from total strangers that helped me after hurricane Katrina...I was one of the stupid one that chose not to evacuate and rode out that monster in my home.

For better or worse...I LUV DEM SAINTS

I could go on forever with what I love in this world but you kinda get the jist of it

Peace-LOVE-happiness to all
Well said, tat.

I love the lazy weekends with my fiance. Just laying on the couch together, snuggling & watching movies.
I love my daughter's smile & her goofy laugh. And the way it sounds when she says she loves me.
I love the beach, when it's not 110 degrees out.
I love waking up every morning, though I may not be the happiest camper at the time.
I love waking up next to the love of my life, I can't sleep good without him.
I definitely love sex with him. Best sex I've EVER had. And I'm seriously not just saying that.
Well said, tat.

I love the lazy weekends with my fiance. Just laying on the couch together, snuggling & watching movies.
I love my daughter's smile & her goofy laugh. And the way it sounds when she says she loves me.
I love the beach, when it's not 110 degrees out.
I love waking up every morning, though I may not be the happiest camper at the time.
I love waking up next to the love of my life, I can't sleep good without him.
I definitely love sex with him. Best sex I've EVER had. And I'm seriously not just saying that.

Well said yourself Mrs Worm:hug:
When I feel conflicted with spiritual problems I always am beguiled at the philosophy of solipsism. It being an incontrovertible concept that is all pervasive, and in my opinion if you can't really prove the existence of the external world then why take to sensational ideas like the literal interpretation of the bible, filled with boundaries on your life, and deny the only conclusive proof of the universe from science. I mean it is quite dichotomous, but as is everything in western society, as our language is designed to have a thesis and antithesis which logically would solve itself by compromising, but being such a complex organism as language is it actually creates either another thesis or the antithesis to another thesis, a male or female.


Super Big +rep


Most of all I love my daughter,I love sitting On the delta in the boat with my father smokin,bullshitting,with some poles in the water.Basically I just love life and im happy that im alive everyday...O wait I LOVE OG KUSH and Sublime
Getting baked to minimalistic techno and float away, then u take another hit and everything becomes real, start doing stuff like fingerpainting and munching thngs u'd never match together normally, u become the worlds greatest inventor :D

other then that i guess its music, ps3, morning spliff to a sunrise mid summer and friends.

Thats some stuff makes life worth living.
Getting baked to minimalistic techno and float away, then u take another hit and everything becomes real, start doing stuff like fingerpainting and munching thngs u'd never match together normally, u become the worlds greatest inventor :D

other then that i guess its music, ps3, morning spliff to a sunrise mid summer and friends.

Thats some stuff makes life worth living.

Beautiful sentiments, thank you for showing us more beautiful things...:-P
Add me as a friend..

I love you..lol..
I love my blackberry... and apparently women who don't care about me...lol..

EDIT: oh, Motown music...
I love you..lol..
I love my blackberry... and apparently women who don't care about me...lol..
Hi BackDoorMan,

We've all been on the end of that stick, the one sided love affair, but isn't it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?? :-o

I love my computer, and superfast broadband... I love love too....
I love play poker. Play poker is nice :D

I love when your sitting by 3 annoying ass girls in math class gabbing about how fucked up they got over the weekend and you feel a burning stinky spicy killer fart brewing slowly, creeping its way down to your colon and you squeeze it out..... and it smells up the classrooom worse than two stink bombs... and then once those dirty cunts catch wind of the gaseous destruction they put their shirts over their noses and scream running out the door. thats what i love. victory my friends. sweet victory
I love when your sitting by 3 annoying ass girls in math class gabbing about how fucked up they got over the weekend and you feel a burning stinky spicy killer fart brewing slowly, creeping its way down to your colon and you squeeze it out..... and it smells up the classrooom worse than two stink bombs... and then once those dirty cunts catch wind of the gaseous destruction they put their shirts over their noses and scream running out the door. thats what i love. victory my friends. sweet victory

Hi BackDoorMan,

We've all been on the end of that stick, the one sided love affair, but isn't it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?? :-o

I love my computer, and superfast broadband... I love love too....

yes, it is better to have those memories to recollect upon, than to wonder what it feels like...

I love my laptop and superfast broadband aswell..

And you say you love me... but do you really?...lol..