What Is It That You Love?

I love how much better I feel now that I'm eating better & working out. I love how much better I'm starting to look, too ;-) I love that my car will be fixed soon. I love that I get to spend Saturday doing something fun with my daughter, instead of working while shes home kind of bored. And I LOVE Spring!!!
I love having all my bills paid and still having cash left over... I love a well grown plant, dried and cured to perfection, I love watching animated movies with my kids.. I love the fact I live in Australia...
awesoem feeling being solvent eh lacey!! im only just getting to the stage where ive got money left at the end of the month. soon ill have this thing called savings?!?! whatever they are...

i love lazy sunday mornings having breakfast in bed with my fekkin gorgeous girlfriend. i love dippy eggs and soldiers with a good strong cuppa tea.
I love my family, my god and my country. Mostof all I love me and you all should too because I love you all.
bigv i'll break you over shot gun stile and breach load your ass with all 8" of my rock hard girl that a cat couldn't scratch ....just kidding i love making jokes in the morning