what is more stressfull with a plant.. its getting cold out and i have a shady yard..



if i set up an indoor set up, and right now i bring it out every morning and bring it in every night because of how cold it gets at night... would that stress it out or help it out?? i really want to bring it in because i dont really have much sunlight in my yard there are alot of trees.. so my question is.. can i bring it in and just do the rest inside or will that stress it out??? i feel like im stressing it out by bringing it in and out every day..​


Well-Known Member
You are doing it a favor bringing it in at night as long as its dark where you are putting it :)


but would it be better if i just brought it inside for good and set up an indoor setup?? or should i keep doing wihat im doing bringing it in and out every day...


Well-Known Member
depends on the amount of daylight you've still got, and how cold it is during the day...if the outdoor temp isn't getting above 50F shes not going to produce much at this point outside and would be better off in a more controlled environment with some lights blasting on her, but I suggest calculating out the amount of daylight she has been getting and mimic that as close as you can as to not possibly send her back into the veg state...a plant that is use to a certain light cycle during flowering if you increase it you take the chances of going back to veg for a little bit, then having it flower again, or causing a hermi, so the closer you can get the cycle to what it came from since its already in flowering mode the better :)


ohh okay.. cause yah its like not much light whatsoever that its getting in the back yard.. direct sunlight is less than 5 maybe 6 hours.. but the lights i got are the 48" florecent.. i got 2 of em.. was going to make a box to cover the inside with reflective shit and yah.. but i really dont want to make it a hermi.. and thats what i was scared of.. i figured the florecent were going to be close to what its got now.. or do they work pretty good?? there cheaper lights.. now im thinking that i might just keep doing what im doing

Pat Man

Active Member
you should definitely bring that bitch inside and put her under some real light. you are stressing her out by bringing her in and out everyday that isnt ideal. if you have good grow lights then by all means use them to finish off so you get the most out of the flower. keep temps between 65-80F and you're good. and when i say 65 i mean letting the temp drop below 60 would be bad and you dont want to go much over 80 during the light period


thank you very much ima gonna do that right now... ill be back and take some pictures and let me know if its good enough or whats up


Well-Known Member
well hell from 8 days ago...what does it look like now? It seemed like 8 days ago you would have been about 2ish weeks from harvest anyway :D


well i have had some improper situations to deal with during the whole process so its taken alot longer than it should have. but yea if i bring it in i think it could really take off with growth of the buds.. they have alot of potential yet.


well it is actually about 2 almost 3 weeks past when you "should" harvest.. but i had alot of bad situations and just couldnt set up the proper setup and ive been afraid that i was going to stress it out too much to bring it in recently.. i just made a really crude structure for tomorrow but im going to build a much better one.. it should really take off from bringing it inside right?? here is a pic of the "setup"" mega jerry rigged to hell but safe..

