what is my problem? PICS! helllllp!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
here are my 3-5 week old 1st time hydro plants.....ph is around 5.7-6.0, ppm has changed due to over ferting, and starting to add more nutes now due to yellowing. they are in rockwool with hydroton in a pot. i top water and feed maybe every other day so far. bagseed, under cfl's. using floa nova grow and sometimes super thrive. what should i do???????????????
After OVER fertilizing dont add more nutts, thats just....nutts!:D Ph has to be 5.8 -optimal range for hydro growing. Do you test your EC (ppm) levels before and after watering? You really should, couse this looks like a nut burn. And you should flush your babies from time to time, lets say every 2,3 weeks, just to keep on the safe side.
Good luck....


Active Member
Definately nute burn buddy. I find it wierd though how the burning/dying of the leaves are mostly in the bottom like if it were a nitrogen def. Anyways PH is good were u got it. Flush those girls out suspend all nutes for a few days.