What is Racism?

Be sure to get rid of the core and the waxy outer skin (As little of the green underneath as you can.). Otherwise you're going to feel your guts a bit.
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Be sure to get rid of the core and the waxy out skin (As little of the green underneath as you can.). Otherwise you're going to feel your guts a bit.
I go to a shamanic circle weekend where it's all prepared. Feathers rattles hang drums singers the lot deep inside an ancient English forest
I go to a shamanic circle weekend where it's all prepared. Feathers rattles hang drums singers the lot deep inside an ancient English forest
. That's pretty awesome. I straddle Shamanism and Advaita. I have conducted Ayahuasca and Huachuma ceremonies for 5 people so far.
I tend to use Syrian Rue and Acacia confusa in lieu of Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis. It's easier to come by, and has the same alkaloids.
Yes I've tried both, the SR and Acacia in uk the b caapi and pv in the amazon, the amazon ceremonies were in a space surrounded by growing b caapi vines and pv bushes, both were amazing experiences tbh
According to Uncle Buck not liking the Democratic party is racist.

But in reality we are all being held back by the rich. All the taxes regulations and prohibition it's all designed to keep the little man down. Racism is nothing more than division back people are getting fucked just as hard as white folks in trailer parks we have no way out unless we break the law.

If MLK's dream became reality we would storm DC in unity because the same rich folk are fucking us all. Even the police are getting fucked their job is to protect and serve not shake people down for drugs selling cigarettes and all kinds of stupid shit. Keep the peace and mind your business that's the job for police.

They call Obama African American but his father lives in Kenya most likely heir to the black people who sold us as slaves to the white men for guns and shit. Guy grew up with a rich white mother he don't know what it's like to sell drugs just to make a little extra money to survive in this fucked up system.

But the media makes a big deal about anything that could be slightly offensive they keep that shit up it's going to be racist to call someone black because they are actually a human. Fucking PC pussies they are the reason for a lot of the stupid fucking laws.

Though of course it is best to call a man by his name but until we no longer have black and white neighborhoods people will generalize a lot like how Americans are stupid. Of course a lot are Uncle Buck calls everyone with a different perspective racist and his troll buddies get in line without even having a different perspective just following Uncle Buck instead of taking their own path in life. The Democrats and Republicans are fucking us all and they blame Republicans solely. Lol, bunch of fucking followers the human race not enough lone wolves.

I don't have no desire to fit in with the hypocrite norm. Care what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.
According to Uncle Buck not liking the Democratic party is racist.

But in reality we are all being held back by the rich. All the taxes regulations and prohibition it's all designed to keep the little man down. Racism is nothing more than division back people are getting fucked just as hard as white folks in trailer parks we have no way out unless we break the law.

If MLK's dream became reality we would storm DC in unity because the same rich folk are fucking us all. Even the police are getting fucked their job is to protect and serve not shake people down for drugs selling cigarettes and all kinds of stupid shit. Keep the peace and mind your business that's the job for police.

They call Obama African American but his father lives in Kenya most likely heir to the black people who sold us as slaves to the white men for guns and shit. Guy grew up with a rich white mother he don't know what it's like to sell drugs just to make a little extra money to survive in this fucked up system.

But the media makes a big deal about anything that could be slightly offensive they keep that shit up it's going to be racist to call someone black because they are actually a human. Fucking PC pussies they are the reason for a lot of the stupid fucking laws.

Though of course it is best to call a man by his name but until we no longer have black and white neighborhoods people will generalize a lot like how Americans are stupid. Of course a lot are Uncle Buck calls everyone with a different perspective racist and his troll buddies get in line without even having a different perspective just following Uncle Buck instead of taking their own path in life. The Democrats and Republicans are fucking us all and they blame Republicans solely. Lol, bunch of fucking followers the human race not enough lone wolves.

I don't have no desire to fit in with the hypocrite norm. Care what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.

Still lmao, thx yt.

It's all so good, I can't decide which line to use in my signature.