What is Racism?



Racism light? Are there really degrees of racism, I think not. I hate this little twat, Jesse watters.
As a white man in early 21st century America, I realize I only have a limited view of racism.

That's why when someone of color or practices a non Christian religion wants to talk about racism, I listen carefully. That's how I learn something about it.

For example; when the young punk tossed bricks through the glass doors at the local mosque, I went directly there to express my support in person for their right to live in our community in peace- and to listen carefully to what they had to say.

By the way, they caught him less than 72 hours later.
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As a white man in early 21st century America, I realize only have a limited view of racism.

That's why when someone of color or practices a non Christian religion wants to talk about racism, I listen carefully. That's how I learn something about it.

For example; when the young punk tossed bricks through the glass doors at the local mosque, I went directly there to express my support in person for their right to live in our community in peace- and to listen carefully to what they had to say.

By the way, they caught him less than 72 hours later.

It's awesome how these acts of hate actually bring people together, the exact opposite of their intentions. Its quite moving, good on you ty.
Now, could anyone of any race then please explain the situation of the sports presenter and the NAACP in the OP

I mean, the insults are fun and all but back to the point
Pointing out that your idiot, child-like concerns merit zero respect or consideration doesn't make him look silly. His is just another comment affirming that your beliefs, commitments and intellect reflect the mind of a racist imbecile.The pattern is clear. Your posts have the appalling stench of toxic ignorance. This explains why many of us rightly regard you as a POS.

An exceedingly wordy way to highlight how idiotic you are.

Exactly how am i a racist?

Using examples from my text, in context, back up your opinions!

Another example of someone not actually knowing what racism is
As a white man in early 21st century America, I realize I only have a limited view of racism.

That's why when someone of color or practices a non Christian religion wants to talk about racism, I listen carefully. That's how I learn something about it.

For example; when the young punk tossed bricks through the glass doors at the local mosque, I went directly there to express my support in person for their right to live in our community in peace- and to listen carefully to what they had to say.

By the way, they caught him less than 72 hours later.

This I like. Lovely sentiment

As a thought experiment....

If the victim of a racist attack was a white racist, would you take the time to listen to his views on racism?

Not a trick question.

Would your methodology change, still a victim of racism but not an easy person to have empathy for.
I was accused of having a lack of sincerity on the issue of race.

I object to that, but my primary interest is equality.

It's a broad church and equality between all races is part of that church.

At the risk of repeating myself, i believe people with good intentions make poor decisions that actually have a negative impact on equality.

I'm not talking as a white man.

I don't define myself as a white man.

Others choose to as it suits their agenda.

Hypocritically might I add.

Can you imagine someone replying to a post like "oh great, another black man commenting on......"

Seriously, have a look at yourselves
  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a programme to combat racism"
    synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice/bigotry, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, bias, intolerance;More

    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
      "theories of racism"

So...to all those who have called me a racist, or inferred it

There's the definition

Back up your accusations based on what I've said.

In all the time I've been browsing these forums the same people have been branding other a racist or white supremacist etc.

Clearly, they didn't understand the meaning of the words they spoke or, more likely, were being malicious trolls.
This I like. Lovely sentiment

As a thought experiment....

If the victim of a racist attack was a white racist, would you take the time to listen to his views on racism?

Not a trick question.

Would your methodology change, still a victim of racism but not an easy person to have empathy for.
It would be hard to listen to such a person objectively because I'd be sitting there thinking s/he got exactly what they deserved.
I don't know about other countries, here we have a high profile music awards ceremony called the MOBOs

The Music Of Black Origin awards.

Now the existence of these awards gives non black racists (as, let's be fair, black racists exist) ammunition. They say such things as "you wouldn't be allowed a music of white origin awards ceremony"

Would a music of white origin awards ceremony be deemed racist?

Ignoring this...as people suffering confirmation bias (by definition, racists) will cherry pick anything that reinforces that belief, what troubles me is a conversation I had with an ex colleague some years ago.

Her name was (and presumably still is) Michelle, who, it's necessary to add, was a young black woman.

It went like this...

Michelle: " are you watching the mobos tonight?"

Me: "nah, with the exception of the mercury music awards, i don't bother with awards ceremonies"

Michelle: "I've never watched the mercuries. I only watch the MOBOs. Oasis & all that, that's white boy music, what's that got to do with me?"

^^^^^this is my problem^^^^^

You see, the MOBOs are doing nothing more than shifting units by selling identity (and exacerbating issues in the process)

Oasis....a rock and roll band.

rock and roll origins....Chuck Berry, Little Richard

before that the blues

So a band like Oasis, by definition, is music of black origin.

So my issue here isn't the existence of the MOBOs but how their limited format can help shape a negative, and inaccurate, outlook.

Michelle was obviously within her rights for any band to not resonate with her...but for her to do so on racial grounds irrespective of the history of black music i find troubling

It's just a version of tribalism in order to distinguish themselves from others. Like names?

I've never heard of it (MOBO) but could it be in response to queen B not getting her due? Or is it older than that?

Shaping the negative inaccurate outlook is our fault because of lack of inclusiveness in which other cultures must resort.

Plus it's a Brit thing, why should we care?
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