What is the best hydro system?


New Member
The more pot growers there are and the more susytems they come up with the more diluted the definition becomes. Aqua culture means to grow with a plant and/or the plants roots in the water. DWC is technically aqua culture, The fact that pot growers and retailers that supply them have sued hydro to discrbed in slang terms any plant grown with water borne nutrients is still just slang misusage of terms no more than that. pum nch nutes into a search engine and ninety percent of the adds for nutes (hydoponic nutrients) are adds for AN, GH and other pot nutrient sellers. It is just a pot fad term misusage of a well established definition. If it grows in aer it is aeroponic, if it grows in water it is aqua culture. If it grows in an inert media it is hydro, if oit grows in soil it is a soil grow. If it grows part in water and part in ari filled with misture causes by bursting air c bubbles it is bubbleponics. Pretty simple. If you notice, DWC and bubbleponics is a sub category in this forum. That is pretty sad as it is.

Illegal Smile

The more pot growers there are and the more susytems they come up with the more diluted the definition becomes. Aqua culture means to grow with a plant and/or the plants roots in the water. DWC is technically aqua culture, The fact that pot growers and retailers that supply them have sued hydro to discrbed in slang terms any plant grown with water borne nutrients is still just slang misusage of terms no more than that. pum nch nutes into a search engine and ninety percent of the adds for nutes (hydoponic nutrients) are adds for AN, GH and other pot nutrient sellers. It is just a pot fad term misusage of a well established definition. If it grows in aer it is aeroponic, if it grows in water it is aqua culture. If it grows in an inert media it is hydro, if oit grows in soil it is a soil grow. If it grows part in water and part in ari filled with misture causes by bursting air c bubbles it is bubbleponics. Pretty simple. If you notice, DWC and bubbleponics is a sub category in this forum. That is pretty sad as it is.
You're off on bubbleponics. What you say makes sense, and it is how I do bubbles. But the term bubbleponics has been trademarked by stealth hydro and means their system using using a water pump and feeder tubes - basically a drip from below until roots are in the water then dwc.

Slang is how language evolves. It's rapidly becoming anything that isn't soil is hydro, for better or worse.


Well my roots are pretty long in my aeroponics setup so they are sitting in the nute solution. What does that make my grow? lol


New Member
You're off on bubbleponics. What you say makes sense, and it is how I do bubbles. But the term bubbleponics has been trademarked by stealth hydro and means their system using using a water pump and feeder tubes - basically a drip from below until roots are in the water then dwc.

Slang is how language evolves. It's rapidly becoming anything that isn't soil is hydro, for better or worse.
I said bubble ponics. half aero and half aqua culture. Half is in air and half under/in water. Thay is the proper/traditional/jargi on definition. Your is a slang defition. Slang is how language evolves in SUB CULTURES.

As for you impression of what hydro is becoming. Only amongst pot growers and retailers that mainly try to get the pot growers for customers by using pot growers sub culture slang. Agriculture and academia still use the traditional/jargon definitions not slang. Of course slang is not accepted much in the real world or academia. The majority of the country and the world does not use the majority of sub culture slang. Ask 50 people in a grocery store out so ide of the areas of nothing but munchies, of an evenly mixed age, what "I bought some hydro" last night means and likely few but pot growers or smokers would have any idea wgat you were saying. As a member of the genr earl public what bubbleponics is and most would say, bubble what? They would not say it is a form of hydroponics.

Slang is the non-standard use of words in a language of a particular social group, and sometimes the creation of new words or importation of words from another language. Slang is a type of sociolect aimed at excluding certain people from the conversation. Slang initially functions as encryption, so that the non-initiate cannot understand the conversation. Slang functions as a way to recognize members of the same group, and to differentiate that group from the society at large. Slang terms are often particular to a certain subculture, such as drug users, skateboarders and musicians. Slang generally implies playful, informal speech. Slang is distinguished from jargon, the technical vocabulary of a particular profession, as jargon is (in theory) not used to exclude non-group members from the conversation, but rather deals with technical peculiarities of a given field which require a specialized vocabulary.

The traditional definition of hydoponics is jargon the technical vocabulary of a particular profession (agriculture), as jargon is not used to exclude non-group members from the conversation, but rather deals with technical peculiarities of a given field which require a specialized vocabulary. Your use and abuse of the term (and the manafacturers and retailers trying to be cool by using pot growers slang) is merely pot grower/user slang and is not widely accepted as is the jargon definition which is widely accepted through out the agricultural, academic, commercial, industrial and governmtal sectors through out the world. Period.

Illegal Smile

This is a pot growers forum and it is odd to come here and complain about pot growers slang.


New Member
I amonly stoned a small bit of each day. The rest of the time I try to live in the real world with the rest of the world. You know reality!!!