What is the best lighting to use for vegetative growth?


Well-Known Member
I do believe That Blue spectrum lights are best for Veg, and Red spectrum for Flowering. As for how many lights or what kind exactly, I do not know. Also a newb.


Well-Known Member
Get yourself a 400 watt metal halide for vegging mate. Or you could get a dual spectrum hps and use this from start to finish!


Well-Known Member
the sun duh
hahahaha! this is true.

but if you can't grow outside i'm sticking with what geozander said. a metal halide lamp, 400 or 600 watts will do you just fine for veg. you can't believe the difference between vegging with mh and hps. the hps sucks! :peace:


Well-Known Member
if your on a budget go for CFL'S day light colour , at 6500 k as many watts / lights as u can afford + u might have some laying around at home


Well-Known Member
i really like veging with CFLs, you can have really tight nodes if you keep them close. but MH is probably better for growth.