What is the best pre-paid credit card for seed ordering ?


Well-Known Member
I want to make a seed order FAST, from Attitude. I've only made 1 credit card order for seed online and it was back in 2007 but it was a real Capital One Visa card I had at the time but since 2008 I haven't had a real credit card.

All other seed orders have either been snail mail money orders or snail mail cash.I was at Wal-Mart and Wal-Greens earlier looking at pre-paid credit cards reading the back of them, every one of them said for use in U.S. only.

I just don't want load the wrong one, and I don't want to wait 7 days for them to send me a permanent credit card after I register. I want to be able to register my temporary store bought one when I get home then instantly place my seed order. Can you name a pre-paid card I can do this with.


Active Member
That's the problem with those! It's hard to find one that you can use internationally. At Sam's Club, they have Vanilla Mastercards that can be used overseas. But, you need a Sam's Club membership to shop there. I have ordered from Attitude just using my check card. It posts as Attitude Gifts.

By the way, a quick heads up, not ALL vanilla cards can be used outside the U.S., so if you see one somewhere else, make sure you read the back! When I bought one at CVS I didn't read the backhand then couldn't use it for seeds. That's when I used my check card.


Well-Known Member
You gave me an idea, but I'd thought about it before. I have too much money in my account to gamble on pissing it all away over an online purchase, then trying to tell the bank that I've been wiped out, then they bring in the FBI , then they see what was being bought, ect, even though I am doctor recommended it wouldn't make a shit to the Feds, and the bank might try to get the FDIC not to reimburse my funds trying to say I was engaged in an illegal online transaction. I'm going to open another bank account at another bank but only keep a max of $300 in it for seed purchases. I never order over a $200 grand total anyway.That way I'll have a bank card that will instantly go through without any phoning in a pre-paid credit card's details, plus if I'm ever hacked the loss will be small.

I think there's a reason why pre-paid cards are made either for U.S. only or either you have to go to a major inconvenience to use them for international use. I bet if you contacted any U.S. only pre-paid credit card company and asked them, they'd say...because of the drug trade/ or criminal activities.