What is the best reflective surface!!!


Active Member
Ok, so everyone says foil is a no no so i went and got myself some mylar to use in my grow area... i was just wondering if there was something better than mylar? :?:

now this next question might sound stupid.... but.... what if i had mirrors cut to size to fit in the grow box im building? would this burn the plant? soo sorry if this has been asked before.... and if its a lame question but i have been wondering for awhile and the people here have all the answers..bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Mylar is the best.

Though technically mirrors reflect light, they do not reflect useful light for our ladies.


Active Member
I cant remember where i heard it but i heard mirrors absorb light and the mylar is the best followed by a white matte paint.


I found this paint that is high in Titanium Dioxide (up to 30%), which is known for being extremely reflective of light (almost 100%). The pros of paint is that it's cheaper, you don't have to maintain it as much as mylar, and it isn't a pain in the ass to set up. I was going to go mylar at first, but after researching and finding out about Titanium dioxide contents in paint, i decided to go with this route.

It's called Olympic Premium Flat Base Paint A1 item 52839.


Well-Known Member
Yea, flat whit paint is the best option. Mylar reflects more light but is cost prohibitive. Plus it's a pain in the ass to clean. gl


Active Member
what about the emergency blanket option? anyone ever use one in their grow area??? with what results?


Active Member
Yes i agree mylar is a pain in the ass to set up/clean. As for the emergency blanket yes it will work great but is even harder to set up its so thin. If you want to go cheap go for a shinney windshield protector(mylar) if not then go with paint is great but I if I was you go with panda film..


Active Member
Yes i agree mylar is a pain in the ass to set up/clean. As for the emergency blanket yes it will work great but is even harder to set up its so thin. If you want to go cheap go for a shinney windshield protector(mylar) if not then go with paint is great but I if I was you go with panda film..


Well-Known Member
i use a few emergency blankets in my op, bit ill be honest ive been highly considering removing them. dont get me wrong, i personally dont believe in the 'hotspot' theory, at least, i dont think emergency blankets create them (though a more rigid foil does sound almost plausible).TBH the reason i might take them down is need. Iam not sure how much actual light they are truly helping me save, but man are they annoying. they wrinkle up and tear easily, the light breeze from my fan is enough to make it crinkle constantly, and that sucks when i sleep in the same room as the kloset.

One thing i can say they are great for is blocking light FROM the room. i use a closet that is not lightproofed at all, so i had to lightproof the bedroom (gf hates having to live by the light schedule lol). when put in 2-4 layers, these E-Blankets work great for sealing a window off that gets direct sunlight.


Active Member
i use a few emergency blankets in my op, bit ill be honest ive been highly considering removing them. Dont get me wrong, i personally dont believe in the 'hotspot' theory, at least, i dont think emergency blankets create them (though a more rigid foil does sound almost plausible).tbh the reason i might take them down is need. Iam not sure how much actual light they are truly helping me save, but man are they annoying. They wrinkle up and tear easily, the light breeze from my fan is enough to make it crinkle constantly, and that sucks when i sleep in the same room as the kloset.

One thing i can say they are great for is blocking light from the room. I use a closet that is not lightproofed at all, so i had to lightproof the bedroom (gf hates having to live by the light schedule lol). When put in 2-4 layers, these e-blankets work great for sealing a window off that gets direct sunlight.
ok ok so they will work but there is a noise issue and rip issue.. So ill go ahead and use some for a small grow box im building, i ran outta the mylar and didnt want to grab a whole new sheet of it for such a little grow box. :weed:
I use the reflective IR bubble wrap stuff and it seems to work well but I was at a trade show the other day and ended up talking to these guys from ORCA grow films. They actually have a really cool unique products. It is a complex fiber based material that is far more reflective than mylar or any thing else but its best advantage is in breaking up the light to avoid spotting. They are also not some dinky company, grow room films is only about 5% of their business, they are doing reflective backing for fluorescence tube lights, LED lights and all kinds of other stuff. If you are looking for reflective film, definitely check them out.


Active Member
i use the reflective ir bubble wrap stuff and it seems to work well but i was at a trade show the other day and ended up talking to these guys from orca grow films. They actually have a really cool unique products. It is a complex fiber based material that is far more reflective than mylar or any thing else but its best advantage is in breaking up the light to avoid spotting. They are also not some dinky company, grow room films is only about 5% of their business, they are doing reflective backing for fluorescence tube lights, led lights and all kinds of other stuff. If you are looking for reflective film, definitely check them out.
thanks doc ill look into that for my larger grow area


Well-Known Member
I use Mylar myself. A step up is to buy the diamond stamped Mylar. It don't cause hot spots and reflects the light in different directions


[email protected]

Well-Known Member
GO with panda paper it is 90% reflective and is way cheaper than mylar..

mylar is 95% reflective but is about 17 cent a square foot (only 2 mil)--->http://www.amazon.com/Hydrofarm-Mill.../dp/B000VFW7VO

Panda paper is 90% reflective but only 7 cents a square foot (a whopping 6 mil) ---->http://www.growwurks.com/black-and-w...-10-x-100.aspx

and give some rep where rep is due


oh and most hydro stores sell panda by the foot it is completely lightproof and never makes hot spots. i covered my whole room with it and it looks pretty damn clean wouldn't
change for nothin. check it out in my signature l