What is the best salt based nutrient line?

I will check it out. And nutrients will produce a funk if they are organic based. It was a bud ripener that screwed it all up and i use an autopot so they bottom feed a pot. The pot caught the funk so water change still had the same effect. I am half chopped. The other half go Friday and then I am bleaching everything well and rinsing. Next run will be August 1 so i will get it all clean and run all new lines and if i stick to trio i should be ok. I just checked and i have about 4 runs of it left. After that though I will run something different for nutes.
I will check Advanced and the Lucas line.

I think i need to stick to chemical salts with no organics for the hydro (bubble bucket) that i will run and the autopots as well.
How are you liking autopots? I am very interested in these but i was always worried about salt buildup
The autopots are great. I have run them 3 runs and i have not flushed them yet. I do run 1/2 strength nutes for the last 2 weeks.
Flavor is perfect and white ash doobs.

Next run i am doing 3 auto pots and 1 bubble bucket of critical mass to see the difference in plant size.
The autopots are great. I have run them 3 runs and i have not flushed them yet. I do run 1/2 strength nutes for the last 2 weeks.
Flavor is perfect and white ash doobs.

Next run i am doing 3 auto pots and 1 bubble bucket of critical mass to see the difference in plant size.
Do you top feed them at all?
One parts are great but I just feel inadequate being a lazy bum. :D hahaha
I need something to feel proud about at the end of the day. I want a reason to call myself a good grower.
Shots fired! Hahah
One parting dwc would be a nightmare. Once you get an imbalance you gotta drain your whole system to fix. No thanks
And how to they keep the calcium and epsom from creating gypsum?
I don't know how the magic works, just that I'm pleased with it so far. Buying liquid nutrients is something I cannot justify as I already pay enough for tap water. There are so many variables to tinker with and spend a fortune on, that if I can find all the esoteric additives in one easy package, I'm going for the easy route. I do add cal-nit for things like beets and others that scream for nitrogen and I will always add rock dusts and compost and/or other biologicals. Post Oct. 17, I may add MPK during flowering...or not, as reports seem to show just megacrop being great for the whole run. I think that perfecting the lighting spectrum would be a more fun thing to spend a fortune on than salt water.
I don't know how the magic works, just that I'm pleased with it so far. Buying liquid nutrients is something I cannot justify as I already pay enough for tap water. There are so many variables to tinker with and spend a fortune on, that if I can find all the esoteric additives in one easy package, I'm going for the easy route. I do add cal-nit for things like beets and others that scream for nitrogen and I will always add rock dusts and compost and/or other biologicals. Post Oct. 17, I may add MPK during flowering...or not, as reports seem to show just megacrop being great for the whole run. I think that perfecting the lighting spectrum would be a more fun thing to spend a fortune on than salt water.
I use megacrop in my rdwc and I love it
Hi Guys,
I was roaming my memory of past grows and wanted to share. Maxibloom was so stable in my res that after a couple years I decided to do a run with no testing just to see if I could. Maybe once a week I'd do a litmus strip test to make sure I wasn't too far off. But the plants would have told me anyway.

I did a one week flush with water and it came back so clear and clean that I just left the flush water in the res and added Maxibloom for my next run. I wasn't being lazy or stupid...just experimenting to see what was possible. The next run was perfect just like they all were.

I must confess that all those grows were done with a really easy to grow White Widow on 3x3 E&F table.
Hi Guys,
I was roaming my memory of past grows and wanted to share. Maxibloom was so stable in my res that after a couple years I decided to do a run with no testing just to see if I could. Maybe once a week I'd do a litmus strip test to make sure I wasn't too far off. But the plants would have told me anyway.

I did a one week flush with water and it came back so clear and clean that I just left the flush water in the res and added Maxibloom for my next run. I wasn't being lazy or stupid...just experimenting to see what was possible. The next run was perfect just like they all were.

I must confess that all those grows were done with a really easy to grow White Widow on 3x3 E&F table.
The only bad with maxibloom is 16 lbs cost 70 ish bucks megacrop is 55 for 21 lbs

I am tired of cleaning scuzzy shit out of my rez. I will start all clean and over again but it lead me to think is there a better nute line.

I use GH trio. I used to use bio root but that is a bad idea and also the bud ripener (Floralicous plus) is bad for rez funk.

Is there a nutrient line that will not produce reservoir funk? If so what is it. I might get a round of that for next time. I have GH for about 2 more rounds but it is worth a try.

Currently I use the trio with calmagic and silica only.
GH3 part with calmag and silica and bloom booster here, works the best for the price.