What is the best type of air conditioner for large grow room?

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
I want to get an air conditioner that will also help out alot with the humidity. Because i have a 25,00 btu window shaker and it gets the room really cold but doesnt do much for the humidity. It will go from 47- 60%. And that is with two 65 pint dehumidifiers in there also. And that gets me nervous. Which air conditioner out there is best for removing humidity also? I am running 6000 watts.
A 2 ton mini split will work. Ideal Air & Frostbox make units with
Precharged lines so u don't need an HVAC tech to set it up.
Look for a 2 ton split AC with quick connect line set.
6k is alot of light/humidity. I would just invest in a very well built dehum most AC wont keep up with the demand of dehumidifing even a minisplit.. but of course this all depends the rest of your enviromental factors
6k is alot of light/humidity. I would just invest in a very well built dehum most AC wont keep up with the demand of dehumidifing even a minisplit.. but of course this all depends the rest of your enviromental factors

Do you even have experience to back this statement up?

I love when people come in here and start giving me advice when they are running two 400 watts or some shit. lol
What type of grow are you doing? Soil, hydro? Do you have a dedicated ventilation system for the lights or are they free hanging?
For that kind of wattage and heat, it's would cost major bucks for a system that would regulate it. If you can increase the rate of flow on your exhaust it will help a lot on the humidity. How big a room we talking about?
Maybe run a length of duct pulling air out from over top of the lights to help remove the heat?
For that kind of wattage and heat, it's would cost major bucks for a system that would regulate it. If you can increase the rate of flow on your exhaust it will help a lot on the humidity. How big a room we talking about?

lol what kinda major bucks we talking about here? You seem to really know your stuff.
I picked mine up on craigslist 1 year old for 1200 for a 2 ton hooked it up in a few hours real easy... 8k watt room. I was going to
get one of the new cheap chinese ones klimaire or cool air for about that but when I looked at craigslist I saw the mr slim and also
a few others fujitsu ect.. All the ones marketed for growing are a scam for what you get. If I had to do it again I might
do a new LG decent quality some good deals online. I realy like how the mr slim ramps the compressor and condensor fan speed up and doewn and saves big money.
Also the chinese ones only work down to about 60 degrees outdoor temp or so. They advertise much colder but it is
deceptive if your looking at a heat pump version because they say about 30 or whatever low ambient but thats only for heat.
Any decent a/c will give specss for the amount of humidity per day it can remove usually in pints per hour I believe.
If I was dealing with a chinese unit I would get a 13 sear and not a inverter for reliability reasons chinese electronics suck.
I picked mine up on craigslist 1 year old for 1200 for a 2 ton hooked it up in a few hours real easy... 8k watt room. I was going to
get one of the new cheap chinese ones klimaire or cool air for about that but when I looked at craigslist I saw the mr slim and also
a few others fujitsu ect.. All the ones marketed for growing are a scam for what you get. If I had to do it again I might
do a new LG decent quality some good deals online. I realy like how the mr slim ramps the compressor and condensor fan speed up and doewn and saves big money.
Also the chinese ones only work down to about 60 degrees outdoor temp or so. They advertise much colder but it is
deceptive if your looking at a heat pump version because they say about 30 or whatever low ambient but thats only for heat.
Any decent a/c will give specss for the amount of humidity per day it can remove usually in pints per hour I believe.
If I was dealing with a chinese unit I would get a 13 sear and not a inverter for reliability reasons chinese electronics suck.

very nice. Do you still use a dehumidifier also?
I did a shit load of research on mini splits before taking the plunge so if you have any questions what so ever feel free to ask.
lol what kinda major bucks we talking about here? You seem to really know your stuff.
I know some, but it sounds like Coolman has more knowledge as to the actual type of unit you would need.
The faster exchange rate you have of room air will help to reduce RH
The job of any air conditioner is to dehumidify, but there are ways to make a unit dehumidify better then a standard a/c. On the higher end units, ones with a variable speed blower motor and the right thermostat. The a/c still has to come on to dehumidify but what happens is the variable speed motor will slow down, this causes the indoor cooling coil to get really cold which will act like a sponge and absorb the moisture. Variable speed high tech japanese units
take out way more humidity.
Hello Friends,

Portable air conditioners have few advantages and many disadvantages. This type of air conditioner is my least favorite choice for indoor growing environments because they are extremely inefficient. The need to exhaust the heat through a run of ducting means less heat is ultimately transferred out of the grow room. The longer the exhaust duct run, the less efficient a portable air conditioner is. These units are relatively expensive for their BTU ratings, which tend to be inaccurate because they are measured without the exhaust duct run being considered. These units also take air directly from the grow room, therefore affecting CO2 enrichment and causing odor control issues. The only real advantage is that these units are generally on wheels and are portable, making moving or changing locations easier.

Thanks and Regards,
William Hayden

Please go away from my thread with your spamming. Thank you.
Brother I really don't think your issue is the air conditioner. If it is controlling the temp as well as you say it is pretty much pulling all the water that an ac is going to. 25k btu is of a size considered adaquate for your 6k. Is 60% the highest it gets? Does it stay that high most of the time? What about your lights off temp and humidity, how big of a swing are you getting? Are you having any issues like pm? In other words what is leading you to beleive you need another a/c. If your not having issues due to the 60% Rh then live an let live. Otherwise I feel you need more dehumidifier. Bigger capacity ones are pricey granted but so is replacing a functioning a/c with a mini split only to have similar results. Just my two cents.
Peace n grease