What is the best vaporizer?


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I'm really interested in buying a vaporizer... and yes just like everything else in life, I really want the best one that is out on the market. First I thought the Volcano was the best from reviews but then others have told me that the woodbox ones are the shit. Plus I just saw one of the wooden ones on WEEDS tonight. Any input would help greatly in my choice.


Active Member
the one on weeds is made by vapman, you can look him up online he also makes the famous travel vape. I think the best rated vap right now is vapezilla and phedor. But that hand crafted vap man is sick!


Active Member
best one in my opinion has to be AroMed Vaporizer

It uses a processor to control the temp and after you vaporize that vape then goes through water filtration. 2 step filtration on a vaporizer is not that common plus its the best built vape that I have seen

No forced air so you smoke when YOU want to
Efficiency can not be beat
Every part is sold on their site for replacement
You can even change the bulb that is used for vaporization and basically have this thing forever
No more ceramic vs. aluminum heat source debate ( glass )
Comes in a briefcase lookin thingy LOL
To me its the best medical grade vape,
they compared it to the Volcano
and it was a clear winner on efficiency ( because you don't collect THC on the huge sq in surface of the volcano.

bad side it looks like a science project ( to some*)

my 2 pesos


Well-Known Member
Wow, that AroMed looks great. I've never seen a water filtration on a vape b4. Anyone have any neg comments about this one? This might be the winner for now unless someone shows me better.


Active Member
The key thing with good vaporizers is precise temperature control
and what is used as a heat element

Don't get me wrong Volcano is the shit and there would really be no debate
if the thing cost $250 shipped as it doesn't even cost $45 to make

but like I said before I smoke out of the volcano in AMS and it dose rock but I would rather get the AroMed if I am already paying hundreds of dollars for a vape.

I'm getting mine for Christmas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have a SuperVapezilla and it is GREAT! I have been using it almost exclusively for about a year. It is a little pricy but I am old and take pleasure where I can.


Active Member
welcome to the Congo........ ( is there even a Congo in Bolivia ) or am I living a lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to go w/ the AroMed like trafik said. I looked into it and it seems like it's the only one that also includes a water filtration system to get any dust that might arise from the vape. Thanks trafik.
I didn't see anything on the volcano that had the water as well. Plus...I dunno smoking the vapor out of the bag kind of makes me feel like I'm doing nitrous oxide or something. Rather just have it out of a tube like a hookah.


Active Member
I don't know how important water filtration is after vaporizing ( minimal probably and some research suggests that a bit of THC is left in water in case of bongs ) but its a little extra that sell me over ( I just like it )

no bags so that's a plus


Well-Known Member
yeah and you can leave the bag on the side for 10 mins and still come back to it, you dont get loads of dust if you use fine mesh.you can make a 5 ft bag if you want for special occasions