What is the chemical reaction Difference between Drying and Curing

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
To note im not actually keeping the buds damp for two weeks, nah thems smokable after five'ish days and pretty dry after a week. Then i just leave em for a week and then they dont spit back up moisture when i jar.

Everyone seems to live in hyper humidity climates or super extreme desert here for some reason but my way works for the rest of the world.

I guess the thing is my buds are actually finished drying but yours arent hence the need to burp and probably some weird cure method that relies on a five day dry...

the whole point of jarring and burping is to slow the process down more, so the bad things have more time to break down, and you have fine control of the RH. your way, they go past the point of no return before the process is finished, and then just keep drying out unnecessarily.....
nothing relies on drying a particular number of days, that just seems to be what it takes here most of the year. it's only the method 75% + of people use, with small variations.....so, of course, it's not suitable for you, you HAVE to be different, and then you have to try to convince everyone that your way is better.....different is not the same as better.....