As a first time grower, how do I AVOID these kinds of errors? I legitimately cannot believe that by just applying water and some nutrients that you can make a plant look as delicious as the first picture, I just can't believe it. I want to believe the second picture is what results from just "growing a good plant" there has to be some sort of trick to get your plants looking like the first plant.
It's a plant, a friggin weed, it lives a life without man and thrives. Just replicate outside as much as possible, not too much or little of anything. STOP OVERWATERING.... this is the #1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 reason beginners can't grow good bud, they love the plants to death. A hungry looking plant might not be hungry, it might have too much water in the pot and it can't breathe, drink, etc... it can look hungry and thirsty and be neither.Patience is a virtue that must be learned. Again, they're weeds, they thrive without man, do as little as possible (in a good way), thoroughly water and then let the pot get mostly dry between waterings, this is a great start for those with ears to hear what I am saying.Rome wasn't built in a day, neither do your plants complete their life cycle in a day, learn to read them and respond to what they tell you. Less is more here, especially with feeding strength and frequency. Practice makes close to perfect, and learn from everything you do, not just the successes. I am the type that only learns from my mistakes, I have a lifelong list of what NOT to do. Don't let it discourage you if your plant doesn't look photogenic, you'll eventually get there with time and patience.