What is the fastest finishing plant you've ever grown?


Well-Known Member
Just curious! I'm talking about RIPE plants -not plants that you had to harvest early because of schedule.

I've had plants that looked ripe at 7 weeks, but I could never bring myself to harvest anything that early. My very, very minimum is 8 weeks but usually 10-12 weeks in the norm for me. I've taken some plants as long as 15 weeks and those were hybrids not landrace Sativas!
Used to run Critical sensi star that consistently ripened around 57 daze in bloom. Not sure of the breeder; may have been a Delicious seeds freebie. The mother plant was monster-cropped (ie flipped to find sex and then re-vegged to take clones) which may have helped shorten ripening. We no longer monster crop our plants; big ass buds tend to rot in my dank basement grow space but in my experience mature clones can sort of pick up where they left off in bud development.
Just curious! I'm talking about RIPE plants -not plants that you had to harvest early because of schedule.

I've had plants that looked ripe at 7 weeks, but I could never bring myself to harvest anything that early. My very, very minimum is 8 weeks but usually 10-12 weeks in the norm for me. I've taken some plants as long as 15 weeks and those were hybrids not landrace Sativas!
Mikado. From Hazeman. 7 weeks.
I popped a pack and got only one starter, it was a girl.
It finished fast like 45 days and was seeded. I was concerned because it looked done and I had pollinated it and I was like ‘that’s not long enough for the seeds’. So I picked a few out. Mature black striped seeds in like 5 weeks at best. I was shocked.

Pollinated it with a haute genetics raspberry glue male who was studly AF. I haven’t grown that cross out yet though.
I had a phenotype that came out of seeds we were told were "Hindu Kush" back in the early 80's that was ready to pick the first week of August here in CT . The plants were small compared to the others , lucky to get 4oz. from one .

Back then I would always strip some seeds from that pheno the day they were cut and wrap them in a piece of newspaper cut out from the folio with the date on it . I can remember one being Aug 2nd .

I don't think it was an auto as breeding with ruderalis wasn't a thing back then to my knowledge . It was extremely narcotic , out like a light narcotic .
I had an afghani that was usually done around 60 days into flower. I'd still push it to more like 65 though as I preferred the cannabinoid and terrine profiles better when left longer.
I had a phenotype that came out of seeds we were told were "Hindu Kush" back in the early 80's that was ready to pick the first week of August here in CT . The plants were small compared to the others , lucky to get 4oz. from one .

Back then I would always strip some seeds from that pheno the day they were cut and wrap them in a piece of newspaper cut out from the folio with the date on it . I can remember one being Aug 2nd .

I don't think it was an auto as breeding with ruderalis wasn't a thing back then to my knowledge . It was extremely narcotic , out like a light narcotic .
Did u save any seeds?
I also got a cut onced caled donk,just bought it cause it was offered amd only 5 bucks.it ended uo being the best outdoor plant i ever grew!huge yield of hashy/perfume buda caked with crystals.really potent,great for insomnia and it was dead ready september 19th.
West coast sells donkey dick and from the description sounds a lot like that clone,i might grab a pack just to see.
God if we have all those gems we grew over the years now!!!
I clone EVERYTHING now

If I had saved seeds from the late 70's and early 80's , plus about 50 clone strains from the late 90's into the early 00's I'd be stinking rich .

Every time I read about the lost legends I think "I had that" and kick myself in the ass ! I knew I had good connections then but now I know they were the best of the best .

Hindsight is a wonderful thing... :wall: