What is the maximum radius that the smell of one pot plant will go?


Im growing a plant that is atleast 20-35 feet from where any kind of people will be, it is secluded only able to be seen by me but im worried that the smell will reach the enemy.


Well-Known Member
Im growing a plant that is atleast 20-35 feet from where any kind of people will be, it is secluded only able to be seen by me but im worried that the smell will reach the enemy.
yes the smell gives it away easily and can be pinpointed :) be careful

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
ive gotten dank wiffs from 50 yards away. but it all depends on how smelly your strain is. i had some g-13 that smelled like brown rice and didnt smell while it was growing either.


Active Member
lol years past my garden can be smelt from dam near 1/2 mile away! lol gotta love it! especially when we are trimming ooo weee dank smell for days!


Well-Known Member
I can smell mine for blocks!

this ^^ sometimes i can smell it 1/2 a mile away, literaly. if the wind is blowing the right way....... my indoor grow sometimes in the winter smells up 2 blocks like a giant pot party when the carbon filter slips.......