What is the most you've ever smoked?

i use to smoke like 20grams to a oz a day when i use to sell tree me and my brother would just sit around all day smoking and making money i think my pitbull was permanently high thats why he was so carzy
the most i ever smoked is a half of some rediculous shit in about 8 hours on my day off. my tolerance is disgusting. it was to the point i couldn't even tell if i was high or not. then my friend screamed in my face that he just asked me a question 4 times and i just sat there playing with a soda can tab. thats how i knew i was high. but it is quite easy to "smoke yourself straight" with lesser quality herb. with mids once you hit the ceiling if you keep going you waste what's left of your buzz with a headache and by the time it's over you are no longer high. good herb just begs to be smoked and doesn't punish you till later.
I took 3 hits of the purest LSD I have ever had and smoked a super blunt one time, only like a half zone between like 4 heads though.. I have sat with a couple friends and smoked an ounce in like 4 hours but the other time was more fun haha