What is the NPK


What ratio you want for Flowing and Veg? And what does NPK stand for? Thank you RUI member your all fantastic


I am also new at this, but I know that NPK stands for Nitrogen - Phosphorous - Potassium. The ratio depends on a lot of things, first of all what medium are you planning on growing in?


Well-Known Member
Something a little higher in nitrogen, but still sustainable amounts of P and K is good for veg. My Veg nutrient's npk value is 6-4-4. For flowering, you'll generally want more P, but still enough N to sustain healthy green growth. I use a flowering nutrient value of 2-8-4.


New Member
First of all all marijuana strains are different as too what they need for feeding some strains may require more nitrogen some may need more phosphorous then others. every strain varies and its something that comes with practice. I would say go for HowznerMD said for your first time during veg you want more N and during flowering you want more phosphorous. (N) nitrogen (P) phosphorous (K) potassium. There are also other macronutrients that you should be aware of.


Well-Known Member
thank you for the link it was helpfull but can you relate that to flowering and veg?
To some extent - my BioCanna crecimiento (flowering) is 10 - 9- 7
My BioCanna floracion (flowering) is 4-8-12

Higher N for vegetation - higher P and especially K for flowering.

I do hope that helps a little.


Sup tokers! Would an NPK of 24-8-16 be ok for flowering or is the nitrogen count too high?

Would an NPK of 10-10-24 be better for flowering?