What is the OPTIMUM method of growing Cannabis?

If growing large quantities (By large I mean several square metres), what is the optimum method of growing Cannabis if you want as large quantitites as possible without sacrificing quality? I would assume it's SoG and some sort of hydroponics, which one? I heard for example that using Flood and Drain isn't that effective because rockwool cubes doesn't let enough Air in, whilst Clay balls don't retain the water/nutrients long enough?
well, you can use hydroclay pellets with a flood and drain, if you're taking clones from mothers, you can put them in the small rockwool at clone, and then plop those babies right into the hydroclay pellets. I haven't ever had any issues with my flood/drain system, it's really reliable, and as long as the pump doesn't take a dump you'll be good. when the nutes drain, they suck fresh air down into the pebbles, and if you water every 2-3 hours, you won't have to worry about the roots drying up, thus eliminating the issue of the clay not holding water. however, those clay pellets might hold moisture longer than you think. it's listed as one of the best mediums in Jorge Cervantes growing bible. Also, rockwool, if not oversaturated, will almost always hold 18% air. The key using rockwool in a flood/drain is not to put the rockwool all the way at the bottom of the tray, you have to put it on top of the pellets so 1/2 of the rockwool is above the pellets, and only flood 2/3 of the way up in your tray, so it only goes up the rockwool a very little bit. once the roots grow more then they will be down in the hydroclay.
well, you can use hydroclay pellets with a flood and drain, if you're taking clones from mothers, you can put them in the small rockwool at clone, and then plop those babies right into the hydroclay pellets. I haven't ever had any issues with my flood/drain system, it's really reliable, and as long as the pump doesn't take a dump you'll be good. when the nutes drain, they suck fresh air down into the pebbles, and if you water every 2-3 hours, you won't have to worry about the roots drying up, thus eliminating the issue of the clay not holding water. however, those clay pellets might hold moisture longer than you think. it's listed as one of the best mediums in Jorge Cervantes growing bible. Also, rockwool, if not oversaturated, will almost always hold 18% air. The key using rockwool in a flood/drain is not to put the rockwool all the way at the bottom of the tray, you have to put it on top of the pellets so 1/2 of the rockwool is above the pellets, and only flood 2/3 of the way up in your tray, so it only goes up the rockwool a very little bit. once the roots grow more then they will be down in the hydroclay.
Thanks, what about Aeroponics? If I had two completely identical grow rooms, one with flood and drain and one with Aeroponics, which one would yield the most?


Active Member
If growing large quantities (By large I mean several square metres), what is the optimum method of growing Cannabis if you want as large quantitites as possible without sacrificing quality? I would assume it's SoG and some sort of hydroponics, which one? I heard for example that using Flood and Drain isn't that effective because rockwool cubes doesn't let enough Air in, whilst Clay balls don't retain the water/nutrients long enough?
greed. it destroys every commercial grower , watch yourself because greedy people are the ones who get caught


Well-Known Member
do a 4x8 flood tray (32 plants) in a SCRog setup with either 2x1000 watts or 3x600 watts per tray and you should be able to pull at least 2 lbs from this set up for a single tray now multiply how ever many trays you need to fill your space.....
greed. it destroys every commercial grower , watch yourself because greedy people are the ones who get caught
Ok, thanks, I just want to make sure i'm getting optimum results :)

do a 4x8 flood tray (32 plants) in a SCRog setup with either 2x1000 watts or 3x600 watts per tray and you should be able to pull at least 2 lbs from this set up for a single tray now multiply how ever many trays you need to fill your space.....
That is excactly what I had in mind, similar to Al's setup. I'd probably need about 20 of these setups..

Is it possible to use cubes for the adult plants? I was thinking 6" cubes, is that big enough? So I use small cubes for clones then put the small cubes in the hole in the 6" cubes..

Also, how do I get the best genetics? I was thinking of just growing 3-5 different strains. What I thought i'd do is buy about 20 seeds (from a reputable seed bank) from each strain then choose the best one, and use it's genetics, is that good enough?

I was thinking of using the following strains: Ice/Skunk1/Northern Lights/Blueberry/White Widow basically the most popular ones..


Active Member
Ok, thanks, I just want to make sure i'm getting optimum results :)

That is excactly what I had in mind, similar to Al's setup. I'd probably need about 20 of these setups..

Is it possible to use cubes for the adult plants? I was thinking 6" cubes, is that big enough? So I use small cubes for clones then put the small cubes in the hole in the 6" cubes..

Also, how do I get the best genetics? I was thinking of just growing 3-5 different strains. What I thought i'd do is buy about 20 seeds (from a reputable seed bank) from each strain then choose the best one, and use it's genetics, is that good enough?

I was thinking of using the following strains: Ice/Skunk1/Northern Lights/Blueberry/White Widow basically the most popular ones..
You need to keep that shit about 20 of those setups outside of anything documented. Remember, you have a 99 plant count limit before you turn federal. If you want to run 20 of those, for conspiracy purposes, no one should even advocate it. If you want help, anyone will gladly help a legal medical patient with a 4x8. Unless you're trying to pull people into a conspiracy to commit kind of crime, start a new thread with a garden within the confines of the law. We will gladly help you then.
Thought i'd bring this thread back up as i'm still curious which method is the best..

DWC, Ebb and flood, Aeroponics... which one's the best? :p I would of thought Aeroponics would be the most effective as it gives the roots optimum air and optimum nutrients.. but ebb and flood seems a lot simpler.. but maybe harder to 'master'?