WHat is the Problem? pics here please help


1000W HPS Organic soil grow
temperatures are normal 70-90
and also how old do plants look? I am trying to help a friend thanks for the time



Well-Known Member
They look about 2-3 weeks into flower

- probably heat issues, heat stress.
- probably spider mite damage,
- over watering,
- not letting the soil dry right out between watering,
- looks like air quality issues too perhaps, is there an air intake into that room, and what size is the extractor fan
- looks like the wrong nutrient regiment too for plants in flower
yes no more than 3 weeks maximum, I think it's heat stress like jonus said and over watering seems evident on the lower leaves of some of the plants, also try giving a thorough flush to the plants (atleast 3 times the size of the pot with clean clean water) since it's so early in flower because some of the plants look like the fan leafs are pointing up (usually a sign of buildup in the soil). That also leads me to one question, are you (or your friend) giving a water only feeding in between or even two waterings every now and then or are you straight feeding some type of solution every time? careful with nutes those old dark burnt patches are telling me for sure there's some type of nute burn. almost like they blasted nutes when they first started flowering thinking it will give them a jump start. Make sure to keep the nutes simple unless you understand displacement of certain nutes with the addition of others. (some additives collectively fed might cause to high of an npk ratio or an overload of potashes or carbs). I'm very new to it all myself only on my second grow but i learned these techniques quickly after messin up myself alot. Keep it simple, PS dump that floor fan chillin in the back, that might also be affecting them a little or contributing...plants like a little wind not a constant, and "predictable flow of strong air. Get an oscillating fan asap or 2 if you can. Is the room receiving fresh air constantly or atleast co2? that's a big thing too and some of the symptoms are telling me that. and get that crinkled azz mylar/foil straightened up or better yet scrap it and get you some white poly sheets. They're reflective and use a plastic material so you'll never virtually get a wrinkle when you hang it evenly. it could be creating hotspots which could be causing a loss of light in one area while delivering too much light in another (think magnifying glass). Hope i helped. Toke on...
ps I see you're using paint buckets tell me the bottoms of those buckets have holes in them? please? if not they will definitely cause root rot among other things. do not lower the ph of your water unless you ran dolomite when you first transplanted to those buckets. Buildup of nutes usually caused my soil to go acidic slightly after 3/4 weeks. Don't worry bout those bottom dead leaves, immediately prune/pick dead foliage off throughout flowering, plants will waste energy on trying to fix these leaves so they won't focus on your buds as hard.


Cool thanks everyone for the Help, Very low budget right now and there are definitively holes in the bottom of the bucket. I think too much nutes and over watering were the problem as far as heat stress my hands do not burn at the top of the plants held for a minute I have the plants 15 inches or more away from the bulb should I raise the Light? Flushed and letting them Dry out now keep everyone posted. thanks again.