what is the smallest air conditioner in the world

not sure if there any use but found these
  • Frigidaire FFRE0533Q1 5,000 BTU Mini-Compact Air Conditioner. ...
  • Frigidaire 8,000 BTU Window-Mounted Compact Room AC. ...
  • Frigidaire 5,000 BTU Window-Mounted Mini Room Air Conditioner. ...
  • Frigidaire Mounted Mini-Compact AC. ...
  • Frigidaire Compact AC with Full-Function Remote Control.
can you post a pic or tell us the model of freezer you are using for this? do you intend to put the ac inside the freezer? so like a mini portable ac?

and yeah like a mini portable ac would be sick
QUBE Series

IQ enclosure cooling products now include the World's Smallest Air Conditioner. These units are called the QUBE Series and are available in BTU ranges from 1000 to 3000, in either 120vac or 230vac.

and yeah like a mini portable ac would be sick

does it still work? wondering if it would be easier to just use the actual condenser or whatever from the freezer. its not very big to begin with even that small IQ one is going to take up a lot of your actual space.

are you doing this to be super stealth? if not you could just put a regular portable AC in the room the freezer is in and have it pulling in cooler air and then exhaust the heat from inside freezer out a window or something
Walmart and Amazon sell radiator coolers, just add water and cool air comes out. Will help with low humidity as well.