What is the worst growing advice you ever received?


Active Member
Hey everyone reading this on RUI. Been a member not too long but been reading up on RUI for a while before joining. I learned alot here and the more I learn the more I notice inexperienced growers giving really bad advice to the absolute noobie growers. I really hate when people give bad advice.

This isnt a hate thread, just a fun one where you can recount and share horror stories about really bad advice given to you and how it has affected you crop. Hey, its been a while and you should be able to laugh at your mistakes now right?

Alright guys! Dont be shy... Some of us may have though that whole rusty nail through the stem had some validity? :shock:


Active Member
Twenty four views and still nothing? Ok let me start then.

This is from someone that had his first grow underway. He states that he has had problems with his current grow, his plants where stringy and would turn male shortly after growing buds.

He saw another users pic and apparently someone told him that stringy looking plants are the starting of a female turning into a male plant. His advice was to look throughout the growing buds for what looks like seed pods, to squeeze them till the "seed" pops out. Then after you're done with that, to grab the plant around the base of the stem and shake the whole plant. This in turn will be enough to shock the plants system from being an male. He closes with "It worked most times for me if i catch it in its early stages"

What he just effectivly told this guy to do was to pollinate his grow...

I think his real problem is he was stressing the shit out of the plant shaking it and squeezing the immature buds, so much so that they hermie on him frequently. Great advice!


Well-Known Member
The worst advice I ever heard on here was telling someone to shit/piss in there plants.
We also once messed around with this guy who was to lazy to read the FAQ asking what light cycle for veg we told him to just use a disco ball on 24/7 he actually went along with it at first but someone had to ruin it.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
The worst advice I ever heard on here was telling someone to shit/piss in there plants.
We also once messed around with this guy who was to lazy to read the FAQ asking what light cycle for veg we told him to just use a disco ball on 24/7 he actually went along with it at first but someone had to ruin it.
disco ball that's some good shit

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
grower has a pic up of a plant with moisture stress from over watering and some one told them to flush the medium


Well-Known Member
Not really GROWING advice but probably the stupidest thing I've heard on this site concerning weed is that the roots are the real part of the plant that has the most THC.
I heard that to in harvesting/curing the guy said leave the roots on when you hang it up to dry and the thc will fall off them into the buds lol
I also heard from someone not on this site but who lives near me said he just harvested his outdoor and was drying and he put all the buds under a heat lamp to dry it out faster it would of been some decent bud to but I smoked a 2 gram blunt of it and didn't feel a thing I know he was pissed.


Well-Known Member
i recall some saying you should hang the plants upside down when it was time to harvest so the THC would flow down to the buds haha

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
dig around a couple inches down into the soil and see if you see roots. if you do, thats your problem. put them in bigger pots if you see rooots. but i would flush all of them really good and see if that helps. ne time i have a problem i flush first thing and 8 outta 10 times it helps alot. even if there overwatered it will help
just what i was talking about the OP had pics and he thinks it may be over waterd this is the advice he gets flush, great