What is the worst growing advice you ever received?


to the guy that said the molasses comment it is a very good addative actually, kinda like bud blood just ya can get it anywhere. been using it for a while

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
dude get yourself a cheap ass chair you won't spend nearly as much time on the comp, my ass can't handle more then an hr. here before i have to get up and walk around


Well-Known Member
someone actually told me to pull all the fan leafs off as they grew. i laughed so fuckin hard. he swore on it. i was like ok/ ill see you in september. then im gonna laugh at you till im blue....so he did it and come september he had a 6 inch plant with a nugget the size of a peanut on top. it was f-ing hillarious.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
someone actually told me to pull all the fan leafs off as they grew. i laughed so fuckin hard. he swore on it. i was like ok/ ill see you in september. then im gonna laugh at you till im blue....so he did it and come september he had a 6 inch plant with a nugget the size of a peanut on top. it was f-ing hillarious.
You can't be serious, he pulled every leaf off of his plant?


Active Member
one guy said to me you are meant to grow white widow in the dark

from doing tests on plants in year three in USA probably 2nd grade, i was 6 0r 7 we learned about photsyntehsis and which plant grew the best no air no water or no light

i have since enlightened him


Active Member
The worst advice I ever heard on here was telling someone to shit/piss in there plants.
We also once messed around with this guy who was to lazy to read the FAQ asking what light cycle for veg we told him to just use a disco ball on 24/7 he actually went along with it at first but someone had to ruin it.
Disco ball? Lmfao! Priceless! Yea he kinda deserved it if he was to lazy to read up. I dont get people most of the time. Haha, so he had his grow room set up like a gay stripclub hu?


Well-Known Member
I actually had someone tell me to burn my female plants with my trash because they're worthless, that the males are what we smoke...


Well-Known Member
i heard this one ^^ "you don't cut them down, you pick the buds off after the plant dies completely"...

i was also told CFL's won't give enough light to grow a plant, it's better to use HALOGEN lights......


Well-Known Member
i know... i would've bought that if i'd been told like 1 week before too... i didn't know shit bout growing til that weekend when I found RIU......