What Is This? Another Plant Growing with My Young


Well-Known Member
alright so this plant is 3 weeks old. today when i checked on the plant i noticed that there is a second plant growing next to it. it is still small so i cant tell what it is but i know i didnt plant 2 seeds in here. If anybody has had this happen before, let me know because i dont know what it is.

Also while im here, how is my plant looking? any feedback is needed and appreciated.



Well-Known Member
just a weed, (not the cannabis kind) that happens a lot from different soils u may be using, but what exactly r u using? it looks like crusty rocks or something? plant looks droopy, maybe overwatering?


Well-Known Member
thexception i honestly dont know what kinda soil it is lol. i know it is mixed with some miracle grow, and some other random dirt. there also some rocks mixed in to help with drainage. but so far it seems to be doing well for me. and i did overwater it on accident 2 days ago. but idk why it looks white and crusty lol it gets like that when the top gets dry though.


Well-Known Member
yeah i plan on it if everything goes good. im tryna get my hands on some ffof soil but money is tight. just had a tornado last week and knocked all our power and had to buy new groceries which set me back with money. but hopefully yeah i will transplant it.besides the soil and the possible overwatering does she look alright? or is she kinda small for her age? she popped outta the soil on April 13th.


Well-Known Member
Did you cut drain holes in your cups... it'll help to not over water. Make sure when you pick up your soil you get yourself some perelite to mix with your soil for drainage purposes.