What is this bug? Pic included


Active Member
Hey everyone, I had these bugs back in April, they came with a couple dispensary clones. Well, I thought the problem had been cleaned up I havent seen them in a long time, maybe it had cleared up and this is just a new infestation. Anyways, I'm wondering what this bug is. It's tiny, not as small as a spidermite, I'm thinking some kind of aphid maybe?. Its just a little bigger than the head of a pin. I did notice some fungus gnats around, any relation to those? Thank you in advance RIU members :)


Active Member
They are all over my plants. Well not the plants, they don't like my soilless mix, but they are in the grow area. I thought it looked like ticks last time I had them but was told no, ticks don't infest MJ. I never figured out what they were. So, would a soil drench with neem work? Thats all I have in the house right now and I'm kinda stuck without a car today.


Active Member
Thats something I was thinking about, if they were ticks, wouldn't I have them on me somewhere by now? I spend alot of time in my grow room, ALOT, and I've been using hemp oil on some skin cancers so I've been checking my body on a daily basis, I've seen no evidence of them on me. Also, don't ticks jump? These things do not jump. Maybe I'm confusing them with fleas, shit IDK, this is pissing me OFF! I can't believe I have bugs, I'm so anal about the cleanliness in my area dammit!


Active Member
I'm guessing they came from my cat, she got locked in the room one night a couple weeks ago, i didn't know she had snuck in. Normally she is not allowed in there at all, but I found her trying to escape in the morning. Screw it. I'm just gonna pick up one of those Hot shot pest strips tonight and be done with it. Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
STOP.. thats not a tick!.. if its in the soil and you notice that their is flying gnats around it could be root aphids! Google em and compare.. If they are root aphids.. you will need to do something besides hotshot.. they live in the soil and eat at your roots under the surface.. so the hot shot will only kill the ones above surface. Here is a article on them... this is prob one of the worse pest to have so please make sure if it is root aphids.. and take care of it asap!


Well-Known Member
wayno.. why would there be ticks in soil? they feed on blood. Root aphids look like ticks.. they come in all colors even brown like a tick... when I had a run in with them .. i thought they looked like ticks also.. You will see them in your soil.. coming out of drain holes in your container.. they will rush up the plant during watering even .. they tear your roots up .. and infect them when they feed on the roots. Sit in your room and just stare at the soil for 10 mins.. sure you will see tons more.. then they can grow wings... and fly to infect another plant.. the winged aphids look just like fungus gnats unless your really stare. Trust me that is not something you wanna play around with .. I will find a picture of what mine looked like give me a sec!


Well-Known Member
it will look similiar ..to this.. with 2 little horn looking things on its ass.. you need a scope to really see.. their is tons of varieties in looks.. but the basic body structure is the same!


Well-Known Member
Simaliar look too this.. these are multiple life cycles... Root Aphids are sick pest.. females are born pregnant and can produce in 3 day periods!


Active Member
Thats exactly what it looks like, but very dark. And 2 little horns sticking out is arse, they're very tiny, like hairs and hard to see but easily visible with my 30x. And some flying gnats around, so I'm thinking it is some type of root aphid. I'll start with the soil drench of neem, and go from there, I'm sure it's going to be a mess. I'll also get the pest strips, just in case it's ticks, might as well take care of everything at once, we are getting into spidermite season around here. Looking at photos of ticks, they have 8 legs, and this bug only has 6 legs and antenna. Thanks everyone!


New Member
ok............to me it looks like what we always called a seed tick ........tiny lil ticks get a hundred of em on u at a time


Well-Known Member
Elfroggo .. if you confirm it is root aphids.... I can let you know how i got rid of em.. I hope your in veg.. because it takes some chemicals to really kill all of them.. they can be kept back organically to get ur harvest done.. but to actually kill 100 percent.. it takes chemicals