What is this coming out of my bud?

Yeah you got lucky. And just because you didnt get hermies doesnt mean the light leaks didnt stress the plant and effecting your yield. The smallest light leak can cause major issues.


First Timer here and need help. Here's the story.

I have 2 different rooms, both with plants that are flowering. 40 days into flowering on a 8 week flowering time. In one of my rooms i had my white widow, start growing these fucking nanners, just on those two i noticed in that room. All others seem to be fine that i can see. In my other room i had my train wreck do the same thing. Same story just those 2 pants and every other one is okay. I must add that the other plants are different strains then the ones listed. I Had a light malfuncation in the room with the train wreck, so that may have cause those. But i cant understand what happened to my white widow, the room there in has been perfect threw there hole life.

What I have done so far

Took all good plants and put them in a room. then took the ones with the nanners and put in the other room.
I went threw and plucked all those nanner things i could see off the 2 white widow and 2 train wreck.

Qustions I Have

Are all my other plants going to be ok, meaning did i catch the problem before those nanners could polinate my other plants. I notcied when i plucked them they were really wet still. Not sure if that makes a difference or not.

Should the 4 plants with the nanners be ok, because the plants looking amazing with fat nice nugs. My avatar picture is one of my train wreck. Or what should i do with plants.

Does this mean i need to cut my white widow mother and train wreck mother down.

Please help any thing will help. Like i said this is my first grow. Please help.


Active Member
Yea dude it sucks!!!!!!! Stupid Nanners, im in the same position pretty much we are right around the same time flowering... i did the same pick all the nanners and just hopen for the best. just keep them away from your other plants and i hope when you picked the nanners you took the plants out of the flowering room just as a precaution.... like you said keep the nanner plants together in that room and the others in the other room... all you can really do is wait n see what happens now.... do nanners open like a reg male flower? thas what im wondering


Thanks for the quick response. yeah i took the plants out when i plucked the nanners. As for you question im not sure, and dont want to give any false info.

Tell me what you guys think.

I was reading a forum that was talking about how some plants will produce these nanners, late into flowering, as a last attempt to re polinate its self, and the nanners are called female seed, pretty much meaning the plant failed at its attempt. to create a seed, so it produces those nanners. This is just what i read im not saying its true in any way, just want to see if people geard the same thing or not.

The reason im asking is because it makes sense in my situation. I have no sacks any where on the plants, i cant see anything that even looks close to a seed.


Active Member
yea same here just nanners no pollen sacks or sead sacks that i see, as for the nanners late in flower to self pollinate i believe i read that somewhere to.. if anyone has more info on this please reply Thanks Everyone


Not sure if this matters but i took the co2 out of both rooms and then 2 days later, being yesterday, i noticed the nanners. I will also be putting a dehumidifier in both rooms today to get my humidity down as i read is very good to do the last 2-3 weeks of flowering. The humidity in the 2 rooms stays about 50% right now. what should i try to get the humidity down to when putting in dehumidiifers today.


Active Member
i'd say 40% to 50% for flower, 60% to 70% during veg.. thas one thing i dont have and need, humidity gauge.... thas what i've read tho


correct me if im wrong because like i said i'm only going off what i have read. I read that you want to keep humidity at 50%-60% for the first 5 to 6 weeks of flowering and the for the last 2 weeks get the humidity as low as you can which will help promote crystal growth on your buds.is this correct have you heard of this being done.


Do you know if that means my white widow mother is a hermi also or do you think its good becuse of how late into flowering they changed