What is this?! Male? Female? No idea what this is.


Well-Known Member
That's a female plant that was pollinated and developed seeds. Where the pollen came from I have no idea.


New Member
What strain? Gorilla Glue??
No Idea what strain. We got it from a friends grandpa who decided to grow some because it's legal now but just grew it on the open farm. Bugs all over it. Don't know if its even ok to smoke.


Well-Known Member
No Idea what strain. We got it from a friends grandpa who decided to grow some because it's legal now but just grew it on the open farm. Bugs all over it. Don't know if its even ok to smoke.
I've smoked my fair share of herm bud, just have to pull the seeds (pain in the ass) but the way you described the growing conditions, not sure if I'd smoke without detailed inspection. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Depending on where you live, it could have been open pollinated by males in Grandpa's or someone else's grow or - in the american midwest - by industrial hemp or "ditchweed" - wild hemp left over from industrial grows before prohibition.

Is it okay to smoke? You said it was grown on the "open farm." Was it close enough to other crops to get sprayed with pesticides or other agricultural chemicals? If so, would you want to risk it? Otherwise, sure. But you can do a whole lot better. Haha, you should point Grandpa to this forum, I'll bet he could do a lot better.

Welcome to RIU. Read, read, read and grow some dank weed!