What is this plant that grew out of my Coco Coir?


Well-Known Member
This little plant grew out of my Coco coir. I was curious and gave it a pot and some o my spare light (my girls werent that big and had light to spare)

This is what it looks like in two weeks but what the F is it?? It looks like an evil thorny Dandelion



Well-Known Member
thats them spikey things I always tread on in the grass with bare feet, nasty lil buggers,

but whats it doin in your coco?


Well-Known Member
:finger:I have NO idea :) guess the cleansing of the Coco arent foolproof :clap:.

Where are you from? Cus i don't see many of those in nature here in Denmark ( and am NOT about to introduce the fucker)


Well-Known Member
The U.K, they are very common, I always see them growing between paving slabs, down alleys, here and there on peoples lawns, in the parks.... they are everywhere. and they hurt too!! I would say as common as stinging nettles, only fewer numbers in comparison


Well-Known Member
I Believe I Have Found A Match

The Canada Thistle


Now To Find Out What Its Doing In Coco Coir...?!?!

I'll Smoke The Mystery Van, And You Can Drive The Dooby Snacks :bigjoint:
Sorry havent been online a while.

:lol: Haha funny shit. Thanx a million both u guys :)
Yep thats it! Now that i know what it is and ONE of the places it grows i can set about killing the little bastard. Think a ml or two of downer will do the trick? :fire:


Well-Known Member
Sorry havent been online a while.

:lol: Haha funny shit. Thanx a million both u guys :)
Yep thats it! Now that i know what it is and ONE of the places it grows i can set about killing the little bastard. Think a ml or two of downer will do the trick?
Canadian thistles are not easy to kill, as its root will be right to the bottom....you can pull it out but it typically breaks off the tail-end of the root, which will resurface in time

good luck on the assassination of your uninvited predator


Well-Known Member
haha i had a plant like that grow out of one of my soil grows once, it started sprouting right next to one of my plants in the same pot, it was really weird. It was really deformed and when i pulled it out the stem was about a foot long no joke! have no idea how it got the energy to get all the way to the surface without any energy from leaf growth haha! was a pure fighter but none the less wasn't a mj plant so not my problem ;)