what is this problem w/pics


60 veg. 26 days flower
PH 6.0 to 6.7
Coco coir
Using go box
Watering every 2 to 3 days soaking all soil

This new problem just showed up. The leaf seems to be brittle on the infected areas with a almost white and dark brown areas20140816_234251.jpg 20140816_234455.jpg 20140816_234526.jpg 20140816_234543.jpg


Well-Known Member
Any changes to the water source? When I switched from buying spring water to having my own RO filter, my plants all freaked out many looked like that, mine turned out to be a cal/mag issue.... and do keep in mind 6.0-6.7 is still a pretty wide window of Ph... try throwing a handful of EWC on them for the next few waterings, see if they perk up.... Not saying its the problem, just think all plants really fucking like some castings, lol.

Im assuming you checked all the simple shit, air temp/humidity and made sure its not bugs, so I skipped those.


Well there has been a bit higher Temps as I put an extrea hps in. Haven't seen any bugs. Or heat stress the hps has only been in for 24 hours. Far as the water just tap water that gets phed And dechlorinated nothing new there and normaly the water is phed to 6.7 / 6.6


Active Member
Your ph in coco should be about 5.8,not many nutes available to your plant at the ph youve got
Coco is classed as hydro,have a look at this chart.
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