what is this ? white fuzz ?


Well-Known Member

im new and this is my first grow. im worried that its something thats going to end the plant but... do you guys know what this is ? (its the bottom left plant you can just see the white fuzzy shit)
i see that on alot of seelings just starting, idk exactly what it is, possibly the start of roots growing but not 100% sure neway its nuthing of concern i no that
It looks fine now. Its been a few days, all i done was put soil around the white fuzzy shit and its looks fine now. Although it was the last seed to germinate + also the last to start its first flowers its looking fine now. Thanks for advice guys.
white fuzz.png (its the one with the star on the pot.)
ive seen that too with seedlings and germinations.... usually just a bit too wet and an algea like mold begins to form...