What is this

There are flies that come and go or die that I clean up my ph is fine and i uses general hydroponic nutrients and my medium is clay pebbles
What are you spraying on the leaves?
What is your lighting?
How far is light from plant?
Are these dots all over, only on the upper half, lower half, only one a few leaves sporadically, etc?
I think it’s leaf septoria this is my first time so I’m new to this stuff and sporadically I went and bought trifecta crop control as preventative measure they are growing and nothing is decaying but those spots keep appearing the septoria or yellow leaf seems like the suspect but there still very early week 2 veg so I’m to scared to proon anything off of them and light is good 3 feet away from my plants I wanna know what it is and how to treat it before it’s to late and how much harm can it do
I’m growing indoor hydroponic clay pebbles medium and general hydroponic nutrients and there flies that come in my tent somehow from time to time and they die or leave I just clean up after em
It could be something simple like the droplets on your leaves acting like a magnifying glass and cooking the leaf. I'm sure that is what was happening with mine. I started being more careful and didn't see any more spots.

I'm using an android to view this, so perhaps not viewing correctly. Is that white coating powdery mildew or water reflection? The spots,. check under those leaves?