What is this?


Well-Known Member
I think it may have been caused by me giving it nutes consistently. I stopped doing that last week though and switched to every other time. I check the ppm and if its lower than a 1,000 then I give it nutes, if not, then I just let it have the plain water. Could it have been a case of over feeding? The leaves were darker last week, they have seemed to lighten up nicely though. I just dont remember all that brown, thought I had less of that



Well-Known Member
I think it may have been caused by me giving it nutes consistently. I stopped doing that last week though and switched to every other time. I check the ppm and if its lower than a 1,000 then I give it nutes, if not, then I just let it have the plain water. Could it have been a case of over feeding? The leaves were darker last week, they have seemed to lighten up nicely though. I just dont remember all that brown, thought I had less of that
In soil it's always feed, water, water, feed if using chem nutrients. Stop focusing on your run off. You need to correct your nutrient input regimen and maintain consistency. 700-725ppm every 3rd water cycle. Feed, water, water feed. Add call mag if using RO. Do not add cal mag if using tap water. PH to 6.3. Make it rain on those girls on the water only days. This supplies copious amounts of fresh oxygen to your root zone while leeching away unneeded elements the plant does not need replenishing the root zone. You want good heavy run off on your water days. Not a little dribble out the bottom. That makes unhappy unhealthy roots. Make it rain. Plant roots like the rinse and the oxygen boost.


Well-Known Member
You need to leech your medium as soon as possible. Your root zone is very unhappy making very unhappy leaves. Clean it up. I'd run 2 gallons through each plant of plain water to get all that crap out of the root zone. Do that again for a 2nd day. On the 3rd provide a balanced chem fertilizer at 700-725ppm. That should get you back on track. The key is consistency. You must be consistent.


Well-Known Member
Also, how high is your light and what kind of equipment is it? Maybe a photo showing how close your light is?

This is what your healthy soil plant should look like if you follow my recommendations:


I do nothing special. Feed, water, water, feed. 700-725PPM. PH adjust to 6.3. Absolutely nothing special, right? :)


Well-Known Member
In soil it's always feed, water, water, feed if using chem nutrients. Stop focusing on your run off. You need to correct your nutrient input regimen and maintain consistency. 700-725ppm every 3rd water cycle. Feed, water, water feed. Add call mag if using RO. Do not add cal mag if using tap water. PH to 6.3. Make it rain on those girls on the water only days. This supplies copious amounts of fresh oxygen to your root zone while leeching away unneeded elements the plant does not need replenishing the root zone. You want good heavy run off on your water days. Not a little dribble out the bottom. That makes unhappy unhealthy roots. Make it rain. Plant roots like the rinse and the oxygen boost.
I do a good amount of runoff, but I don't see how that will help. So you water twice then gives nutes. Hell by that time my plant will be dieing of starvation . You cant runoff a ton or else you will literally strip away all the food. It takes a good 3-4 days until they need water. Idk man, that sounds like bad advice. I only do a half dose of nutes because there autos.


Well-Known Member
I do a good amount of runoff, but I don't see how that will help. So you water twice then gives nutes. Hell by that time my plant will be dieing of starvation . You cant runoff a ton or else you will literally strip away all the food. It takes a good 3-4 days until they need water. Idk man, that sounds like bad advice. I only do a half dose of nutes because there autos.
Now that I think about it you're probably right. I have no idea what I'm talking about. Happy growing :)



Well-Known Member
Also, how high is your light and what kind of equipment is it? Maybe a photo showing how close your light is?

This is what your healthy soil plant should look like if you follow my recommendations:

View attachment 4884798

I do nothing special. Feed, water, water, feed. 700-725PPM. PH adjust to 6.3. Absolutely nothing special, right? :)
Idk how flushing is going to help. Did that last grow at week five and literally almost killed them through nutrient deficiency. Leaves turned a really bright green. Im not trying to be a dick, just had bad advice before. Every plant is different with nutes is what I'm finding. Hell my tomatoe plant gets fed every sticking feeding time and she's been alive and well for 4 months now.


Well-Known Member
Idk how flushing is going to help. Did that last grow at week five and literally almost killed them through nutrient deficiency. Leaves turned a really bright green. Im not trying to be a dick, just had bad advice before. Every plant is different with nutes is what I'm finding. Hell my tomatoe plant gets fed every sticking feeding time and she's been alive and well for 4 months now.
Maybe I should be taking advice from you? :)


Well-Known Member
Now that I think about it you're probably right. I have no idea what I'm talking about. Happy growing :)

View attachment 4884799View attachment 4884800
Im not saying you can't grow, all im saying is i dont get why I should flush when its not like my ppm are crazy. I took advice last grow doing that and it made things worst is all im saying. I would like to here others thoughts before I take advice from one person.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I should be taking advice from you? :)
You are a smart man. I'm thinking ph or your light is too close. I had that happen to my plants when I first switched to LED and had it at full power. Leaves started looking like that.View attachment 4884804

Soon as I saw this I raised the light and was all good after that.
Thank you, according to Mr. Know it all im stupid and should just believe everything he tells me. The closes plant is 21 inches away from light, the plant that has the most problems is 25.5 inches away from the light. The plant that is the closest to the light is yet to show any issues yet. Im using kingbright 320w led. I also have a kingled 500w (not an actual 500w tho) for my other plants in the tent (non pot plants)



Well-Known Member
You are a smart man. I'm thinking ph or your light is too close. I had that happen to my plants when I first switched to LED and had it at full power. Leaves started looking like that.View attachment 4884804

Soon as I saw this I raised the light and was all good after that.
I will have to check ph next time, but normally the runoff is pretty good. Dont really get how you'd fix a ph issue either when people tell me I shouldn't use ph down.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, according to Mr. Know it all im stupid and should just believe everything he tells me. The closes plant is 21 inches away from light, the plant that has the most problems is 25.5 inches away from the light. The plant that is the closest to the light is yet to show any issues yet. Im using kingbright 320w led. I also have a kingled 500w (not an actual 500w tho) for my other plants in the tent (non pot plants)
Wow. Just wow. Ignored. Happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
Wow. Just wow. Ignored. Happy growing :)
Idk why your getting mad at me for wanting other peoples opinion. Im not claiming the other guy is right either, but he's offering a suggestion not a command. I will not just blindly accept someone's response like I used to when I first started. Now I've been growing for a bit, I can use my previous experience to figure out what will work. In my previous experience, doing what you told me to do will kill my plants. Idk what your situation is. Clearly its working for you, but your process may not work for everybody. Mabe your growing photos and im growing autos, mabe your giving a full dose of nutes and im only giving a half dose, mabe you are using soil with high amount of nutrients, etc. There is tons of factors here. I use fox farm happy frog, and do a half dose of nutes. I learned from this grow that I may start my fourth week with a quarter dose of nutes until week 5, but im not certain yet. What I did learn though is I atleast cant give them nutes back to back. It seemed to work last grow that way, but they were also 6 weeks old when I was doing that. Even though I gave them nutes every feeding last grow starting at week 6, my plants flourished and produced 3oz a plant which was an improvement from previous grow at that point. Now people like you would claim that impossible, but clearly it worked for me. Like I said, mabe its because your using a full dose of nutes and im using a half dose. If your using a full dose of nutes, then it would makes sense that you need a water, water, feed cycle, if your only giving a half dose of nutes though, you got to adjust your cycle for that. Every plant is different. I have pot plants, tomatoe plants, dill, garlic chives, carolina reapers, 7 pot lava, big mama mustard, orange long tailed scorpion, thyme, and sage all growing in my grow tent, and believe me, they all have there own things that they like. Im not claiming that your an idiot, I just like dont like a response that demands there advice is superior over everybody else's and you have to take that advice. I am allowed to question you. Through that questioning hopefully we will get closer to a solution. I will keep your response in the back of my head, but for now I'm seeing mabe of it could be something else.


Well-Known Member
I think everybody's environment is different, and then you have different strains on top of that, so it makes it harder to diagnose. We feed, feed, feed at 1000ppm from start to finish with clones (except the last 2 weeks, then we back off), seeds are different feed schedule. But my environment is prob different from one grower to another. That being said, I do a good wet to dry cycle and get a good 10-15% run off every time. I do have a good PH meter (Apera 8500) direct soil probe, and you're going to to have 3 factors with PH... What you put in, what comes out, and what the soil buffers at. They are all going to be different. My guess would be your PH is off, along with some heat stress looking at that taco'd set of leaves. ... just my 2 cents, YMMV.

Green Refuge

Well-Known Member
Also, how high is your light and what kind of equipment is it? Maybe a photo showing how close your light is?

This is what your healthy soil plant should look like if you follow my recommendations:

View attachment 4884798

I do nothing special. Feed, water, water, feed. 700-725PPM. PH adjust to 6.3. Absolutely nothing special, right? :)
Hot damn brotha that's a beautiful plant. Knock on wood. You measure runoff in soil ? What should it be at in organic soil ? I tried to measure it a couple times but there's too much soil particles that probably count in the reading. I was getting 1 to 4 thousand ppm.