What is this

Everybody need a little help here what do you guys think this is, cal-mag deficiency and if it is I just watered two days ago how can I give her cal-mag soon if that’s what it is. Thx
No such thing as a calmag deficiency.
Pics and more info about your grow would help.
3 x 3 tent. Great airflow optic 4 LED 415 true watts, I have three of them same strains in my time that’s the only one that’s doing a flip to flower three days ago white distance is about 30 inches feeding it Humboldt secrets Every other watering


Well-Known Member
How old is your soil? Are you using microbes? What about foliar treatments? Whole plant pic could help, have you scoped the underside for pests?
Soil 45 days old. No foliar treatment and yes I have scoped the underside for pets I did have a couple gnats, used gnat nix with the water sticky pads and don’t bug me from Fox Farm. I haven’t seen them sence. And yes I use grate white when transplanted, and in with the water. And enzymes from humbult Secrets