Well-Known Member
So thanks to @kratos015 wonderful post. We can assume the calcium is a carbonate since the ph went back to alkaline. Thanks for your help man. I think it’s a mixture of the lime I added and the Gaia??I’ll be looking into different inputs now for my indoor sips.
Still haven’t looked at my indoor sips. Once I harvest I’ll be able to do a better inspection.
Waiting until you look at those to make a move would be best here, IMO.
You may not have to change inputs too much, if at all. My thinking is that extra shot of dolomite lime you gave the tomato SIP is why you saw this residue, and you're not likely to see the residue in the indoor SIPs since you didn't add extra lime to them.
That residue is either the dolomite lime, or OSF from the gaia blends, whichever one didn't get used by the plants pretty much.
Be interesting to see what you find when you dig up the indoor SIPs.