What is this...


Well-Known Member
This is a awesome story : ), you deffently have to talk to him about it, and post what he says. But this really depends on how old your are, which you havent said yet. If you are like 16 or under... then he probably will treat you like a little kid, but if your like 17 I think you should be good. You dont have to post your age, but it really does matter in this situation. Nice find though buddy. Grow on, you and your pops : )


Active Member
Yeah I'm older than 16. It'll be weird but I'll call him sometime tomorrow when he's at work and ask him like what's growing in those 4 black pots or something. Then if it's like an awkward silence I'll break it with an " Think I can get one of those? " I'll try to make it a lot less awkward than I think it'll be. I actually think this is really funny.


Active Member
Me: Hey dad what's growing in your garden that looks like marijuana?
Dad: They're tomatoes.
M: Tomatoes don't look like that and marijuana does.
D: They're tomatoes, I'll show you. I just can't plant them yet.

I just kept laughing. I'll probably ask him about it again when he's home. Just in case the picture was bad or something here's a couple more I just took.

All 4 of them.



Well-Known Member
i grow about 23 strains of tomatoes, non of them looks like one of my weed plants, so that are funny lookin ones for sure:D leave your dads weed alone and be a good son;)


Active Member
I just got home and they aren't there. My dad's not home yet so my mom must have hid them. Welp I'm a tad bit confused right about now and I just wish they were honest.


Well-Known Member
lol damn man, you scared them off. Thats not what you wanted to do.... you wanted to get in on it lol. So your mom smokes to?


Well-Known Member
let it get nice and big........then take it and hold it hostage. see what kinda dank pops is holding.


Active Member
TTell your dad, "Hey Dad, I just saw 2 cops lookin at your garden, what's up with that? After he collapses from a heart attack the plants are yours! lol! Just kiddin!


Well-Known Member
"I smoke it but have never grown it before"

"The ironic thing is I was going to put my plants outside for a bit when I found them"

Not to be a stickler but have you or have you NOT grown before? Or is this your first grow?


Well-Known Member
Man this is a funny ass thread... You should just tell him straight up that u blaze and u know he does too b/c u know for a fact those are weed plants u saw and just get the dialogue flowing...It might be awkward at first but he'll be ok with it after awhile (unless he's a hypocrite)...then maybe u guys could grow together...it's a great bonding experience, me and my dad grew a few crops when i was a kid...He could probably teach u a thing or two about growing too.


Active Member
"I smoke it but have never grown it before"

"The ironic thing is I was going to put my plants outside for a bit when I found them"

Not to be a stickler but have you or have you NOT grown before? Or is this your first grow?
First grow :) Just planted a couple germinated seeds a couple days ago... Looking forward to some sprouting.

Yeah I just got my mom to admit she smoked but doesn't really like it.


Well-Known Member
lol lol funny thread
Yeah you need to get in on this....dont scare em away...become one with them lol