What is this???

This is my first time growing...

This plant is about 2+ months old and about 3-4 feet tall. on a few of the bottom leaves theres this like poisinous or toxic trail or line as if something harmful spilled down the plants leaf (leaves). i took a pic and ive already checked the plants for insects and spider mites and all that "great" stuff. idk what this is.

Any ideas?




Well-Known Member
leaf minors......not sure how to treat though......wait for someone to come along who knows about treating for this infestation.

I had trouble with white nats not too long ago and treated with a mix of cold pressed neem oil and a drop of dish soap. I sprayed my plants with it, it helped some.

But mostly what got rid of them was the fox glove we planted in the backyard, the white nats loved that fox glove and it killed em or at least greatly diminished the amount of nats in our garden.
as far as spraying them with something, which would be the best thing i can do at the moment, any other suggestions. im not sure i have cold pressed neem oil. =/ and i dont want to spray them with any insecticides cause id prefer to be cancer free when i smoke them hahaha. but any ideas?

and that fox glove. how far from the plants? like a few feet or across the yard?

also where can i get one??


Well-Known Member
I have them about 15 feet from the rest of the garden. My pot plants are growing inside a shed in the back yard. My outdoor garden contains watermellon, lemon cucumbers, tomatoes,and zuccini. The nats loved my pot and the zuccini, but once I planted already blooming fox glove the nats went to them like they were candy and soon started croking off. I did not know that the fox glove would have this affect on the nats, it was totally an accidental discovery. Nature is brilliant.

The neem oil is an organic way the combat insects on the plants and in the soil. It is not toxic and won't hurt you or the plants. It is not a cure to infestations, it is just that bugs don't like it so they tend to stay away from the treated leaves.


Active Member
as far as spraying them with something, which would be the best thing i can do at the moment, any other suggestions. im not sure i have cold pressed neem oil. =/ and i dont want to spray them with any insecticides cause id prefer to be cancer free when i smoke them hahaha. but any ideas?

and that fox glove. how far from the plants? like a few feet or across the yard?

also where can i get one??
Cancer free smoke??? What??? I wan't in.



Well-Known Member
You can pick up fox glove plants at any store that has a garden center.....walmart, lowes, home depot.